Try Your Luck

253 25 45

July 27th

"-and she bakes, like all the time-our house smells like the inside of a gingerbread house-" Con ranted to Hazel as they entered the hospital at five-thirty, "And Joel is messy and-gross and they fight and make noise-"

"Move out?" Hazel shrugged.

"I don't have time." Con groaned and they walked together through the lobby, up the stairs and towards the locker rooms, "I spend all my time here."

"Oh-Hazel, Con.." Libby waved them over in the locker room full of interns, "Did you see Joel or Michael on the way?"

"No-what's going with you and the Sadist anyway?" Hazel glanced at her as they changed into scrubs.


"Why're you nice to him? He's an asshole." Con rolled her eyes.

"I'm-i think if we're nice to him he'll respond to that.." Libby shrugged, "Besides, the five of us-this is all we have so we might as well try and be friends?"

Hazel and Con exchanged a look as the three of them left the locker rooms.

"Oh-god," Con groaned, "You like him."

"I do not!"

"Oh, you so do." Con drawled.

"Gross.." Hazel laughed, "He's not the guy for you, Lib."

"He's not-I don't even-you-" Libby stuttered, "This conversation is-ridiculous. Because, i don't want him to be 'the guy' i don't-"

"You'll all be proud to know-" Michael fell into step with them, "That i have a date on Saturday night."

"With who?" Libby nudged her friend excitedly.

"A Miss Zoe Jameson." Michael grinned.

" Zoe Jameson-the nurse?" Hazel repeated, "I knew it! I should play matchmaker more often."

Joel suddenly joined their group with a bark of laughter, "Hold it-did i just hear Ramos has a date?! I must've heard wrong.."

"Nope, he has a date." Con smirked.

"Wait-sh-" Joel held out his hands and they stopped, "Do you hear that? Birds are quiet..children are crying..Ramos has a date-the world must be ending!" Joel and Con burst out laughing and Hazel couldn't help but grin.


"Dr Goodwin," Mace greeted Goodwin with a grin, "Good morning. Latte?" he offered her a takeaway cup and she looked at him warily.

She took it, "What do you want?"

"I'm an attending, you can't talk to me like that." He smirked, "You're just a resident."

"Excuse me? I have completed my residency and fellowship in General surgery, as you know. I'm only a fellow again because i'm finishing my second fellowship, in trauma. We were interns together, don't forget that-" She took a step towards menacingly, "And if you ever call me a resident again, i'll shove this clipboard right down the throat of that big, swollen head of yours."

Mace coughed, "That's my favorite way to start the day, you know. A nice-scarily- threatening speech from my favorite reside-i mean, attending."He smirked.

"Move." She snapped and he got out of her way quickly as she cross the lobby towards her five interns you were standing by the bottom of the stairs, "Owens, you're on the Code-Team for the day. Hayes, you're delivering lab results to families-" She paused to dump a stack of files in Libby's hands, "Miller and Ramos you're shadowing Dr Pierce and Carter you're with me. Move people!"

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