Big Girls Cry

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                                     Hey dudes, A new dawn a new day.

And im a wreck. Vote, comment, fan, eat liquers  :/ only if you're over the appropriate age... :)      


(Big Girls Cry, Sia)

When most people think of hospitals, they think of death, sickness, sadness and distress.

But the people who work there?

It's comfortable.

It's their safe-place.

It's their home.

And their fellow workers, are their family.

They spend all day with them.

They eat, sleep, study, talk and go through life altering experiences with each other.

People die in the hospital.

People you love.

People you think you can't live without.


They heard a shot out in the hall.

Dr Goodwin was still draped over Michael's lifeless form.

Con crept over to the door and peeped out  of the keyhole.

A body was lying in the hallway, blood was pouring out of their head.

Con gaped and opened the door.

"He..he.." Zara struggled for words, "he lifted up the gun, he pointed it at me, and then he said, 'is it worth it?' and then he-he shot himself!" Zara suddenly vomited.

For lying in a heap was Mr Pension, blood flowing freely out of the hole in his head, his face was drained of any colour.

"He committed suicide." Con stared down at Mr Pension.

Zara stood shaking, spattered with Mr Pension's blood.

"Dr..Dr Goodwin?" Con called.

"Where is she?" Zara frowned.

"In there." Con was still staring at Mr Pension.

Con looked up into Zara's brown eyes, "Michael. Michael was shot."

"God, it's lucky Dr Goodwin was there, right?" Zara laughed.

"Zar. He was shot in the stomach. We had no OR." Con stared at Zara.

Understanding flooded Zara's face.

"No." Zara frowned, "he didn't..he couldn't..die?"

Con didn't bother answering.

Instead she sprinted down to the nearly destroyed lobby.

"Chief? He's dead. He killed himself." She stated, facing Naomi Park.

"I thought he might." Dr Park sighed, she took a moment to rub her eyes and then looked up, ready to face the aftermath.


The rest of the day was spent cleaning, taking care of the injured and getting Dr Drew Roberts out from under the bus.

"The list of deceased are as follows: Anna Dillon, Carla James, Joe Kaydric, Karl Murphy, Orla Webber and Michael Ramos and of course John Pension." Naomi Park stood in front of the entire staff in the Entrance hall, "we have suffered a crisis like no other in the history of Eden Arizona hospital. but, together we can move past it."

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