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Hailey:the next morning I go wake up daddy"daddy u gotta go to court"I yawn and he gets up and gets ready then leaves.

Taylor:i go in and See the side of jakes face which is covered in cuts in bruises I go over to him and pull him to me grabbing ahold of his face"who did this?"I ask gently.

Jake:"no one"I say dodging the question.

Taylor:"Jake I need to know"I say

Jake:"dad it's prison everyone gets beat up"I say he sighs and walks away and sits down.

Judge:"Jake can u tell me what u did all this? Why u where so stupid to do something like this?"I ask

Jake:"I don't know it's sounded fun"I say to her with attitude

Taylor:"Jake that is enough she is giving u a chance to explain ur self she is helping u now help ur self I'm not gonna lose my wife and the mother of my children and then lose ur I don't wanna see the lose it so quit the attitude and be respectful"I say in all seriousness

Judge:"why is that Jake why did u purposely do this?"I ask

Jake:"I-"Is all I say

Taylor:"ma'am if I can say something he hasn't had the best life all his life he has watched his loved ones be hurt and broken down we brought him in to our house and he didn't even trust us he was grieving over his mother passing and I know for a fact he would never rape a woman"I say

Judge:I raise a brow"well the footage we have says otherwise"I say he nods"well Jake Caniff u are probed Guilty for murder and rape and u are sentenced to death"I say while gavling

Jake:"no no no DAD!"I scream before the cops could get me.

Taylor:I look around and don't see the cops who arrested him"wait the cops aren't here and u know for a fact that they have to be present and that a law"I say and the judge nods agreeing.

Judge:"very well Jake u are sentenced 5 days in prison but u are still death sentenced"I say and leave the room.

Taylor:I stop her before she can fully get out."his case is dropped theirs nothing to be started"I say and then Sierra runs in."what are u doing here?"I ask

Sierra:"h-h-Hailey's I-in l-labor"I say out of breath.

Taylor:I nod and we leave and once we walk in I see Hailey with cuts all over her and her head is cracked open with blood all over her."Hailey what happened?"I ask frantic running to her side.

Hailey:"I got into a wreck"I say while swallowing

Doctor:"okay Hailey I'm gonna turn u on ur side"I say turning her"she's bleeding the babies umbilical cord came out he won't have that much oxygen so Hailey I'm gonna have to out my hand inside which is Gonna hurt"I say

Hailey:"no no no"I cry as I shake my head cuz I'm not good with pain they shake their heads and daddy holds my hand and the doctor sticks his hand in and u scream and cry.

Doctor:"we are gonna have to do a sea section where's the father of the baby?"I ask

Taylor:"I'm not sure"I say and then he runs in and they go to the OR

Avery:"I wanna go home now"I say after they get her in a room with her baby.

Taylor:"Avery don't start"I say and she sighs sitting in the couch I walk over to Hailey"how u feeling baby?"I ask

Hailey:"good I'm just sore"I say and he nods then the nurse brings in my little boy and I hold him.

Taylor:"he's beautiful baby"I smile

Hailey:"thank u daddy"I say smiling and he smiles

Avery:"daddy now can we go?"I ask

Taylor:"Avery"I say

Avery:"daddy"I say

Hailey:"daddy go im okay I'm just staying for a couple of days anyway"I say

Taylor:"it's fine Hailey"I say

Hailey:"u sure? Cuz their all gonna be asking to go home in a few minutes"I say

Taylor:"yes I'm sure and I know"I say she nods and keeps on holding him"what's his name?"I ask

Hailey:"Taylor"I smile

Taylor:"Really?"I ask smiling ear to ear and she nods "thank u"I smile happily.

Hailey:"ur welcome"I smile

Avery:"now can we go?"I ask

Taylor:"Avery that's enough we are staying"I say

Avery:"Can't Jake take us home?"I ask

Taylor:"no u are all staying here"I say

Avery:"but daddy"I whine

Taylor:I turn around and bend down "do u remember when u had the flue and we where here for 3 days"I say

Avery:"yeah"I sigh

Taylor:"and who sat by ur side with me?"I ask

Avery:"her"I say

Taylor:"so don't u think u can be here for her and the baby?"I ask and she nods"thank u baby"I say and kiss her head.

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