Report card

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Taylor:"Avery come down here"I say

Avery:"yes daddy?"I ask

Taylor:"have u gotten ur report card yet?"I ask

Avery:"no my teacher said she was sorry cuz she has allot of stuff going on at home"I say

Taylor:"Avery u better not be lying or your gonna be sorry"I say

Avery:"I'm not daddy"I say

Taylor:"alright I'll talk to ur teacher tomorrow to see when u will get it"I say

Avery:"no no no u don't have to do that"I say

Taylor:"and why not?"I ask

Avery:"cuz I already asked her yesterday"I say

Taylor:"ok and what did she say?"I ask

Avery:"she said we would get it in a week"I say

Taylor:"ok go upstairs"I say and she runs upstairs and I call the teacher.



T-hi this is averts Dad Taylor and I was just wondering when we would get her report card?

T-oh those where handed out earlier this week.

T-ok thank u*i say and hang up*

(End of convo)


Avery:I walk downstairs"y-yes d-daddy?"I ask scaredly.

Taylor:"can u tell me where ur report card is?"I ask a little calmer.

Avery:"I-I already told u I-I don't have it"I say

Taylor:"that's not what ur teacher said. Why did u hide it from me?"I ask while sitting on the couch.

Avery:"I don't know"I say

Taylor:"go get me it and if there is any ds or fs ur getting a spanking"I say and she runs upstairs and hands it to me when she comes back down and walks back to the stairs so she won't be by me and she has one f and two ds"Avery my room now"I say as I walk in my room and she walks in to."really Avery 1 F and 2 d's and u lied to me? Why wouldn't u have just told me?"I ask

Avery:"I don't know"I say with tears running down my face.

Taylor:"well what do u think I should do?"I ask pulling her into a hug

Avery:"a time out"I say with my fingers crossed.

Taylor:I chuckle a little bit"sry I think that's the wrong answer"I say and she cries harder"ok ur choices are 75 with the paddle or 50 bare with the belt"I say

Avery:"b-but th-that's t-to m-much"I cry

Taylor:"baby girl u lied to me and go 3 bad grades. Plus I'm not going my hardest so which one?"I ask

Avery:"I don't wanna spanking daddy"I cry

Taylor:"I know baby but choose before I do"I say sternly and she just cried in her hands"choose now"I say

Avery"I don't wanna spanking"I sob

Taylor:I grab her before she can make it to the door"50 bare"I say"we can cuddle after but for now I want u bare and bent over the side of my bed"I say unbuckling my belt and pulling it from the loops.

Avery:"Noooo daddy I'm sorry"I cry

Taylor:"bend over and bare yourself"I say

Avery:"NO!"I scream and cry.

Taylor:"if I have to bare u and bend u over in adding more"I say

Avery:"I DONT WANT THE BELT"I scream and cry.

Taylor:"I don't care bend over and bare yourself NOW!"I yell but she keeps on crying"I'm done with ur bullshit now ur getting 55"I say and start to walk towards her but she pusses past me and runs out of the houses I I chase her down and pick her up and take her to my room bare her and bend her over and pick up my belt"60"I say and start and she cries and screams. ~swat 60 times~ after I'm done I pull her panties back up and pull her into a hug"shhh it's ok baby girl it's over"I say and she screams and cries in my chest I pull her pants off of her ankles and pick her up and lay her on my chest and run her back and she soon falls asleep while snoring and so do I.

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