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Taylor:I shake my head"Hailey how many times have I told u about drugs?"I ask

Hailey:"more than enough but lean isn't a drug it's a drink"I say

Taylor:"I don't care what it is u know better than to do it"I say seriously.

Hailey:"ok but can we get this over with I got somewhere to be"I say

Taylor:"no Hailey and ur not going anywhere"I say seriously.

Hailey:"so what I'm hearing is I don't have to go to school"I laugh

Taylor:"do u really think this is a joke?"I ask

Hailey:"well yeah ur pretty much making a big deal out of nothing"I smirk

Taylor:"oh so u going out all night practically wearing nothing doing drugs and drinking u could've gotten hurt or killed is nothing?"I ask

Hailey:"well when u put it like that.. No"I huff crossing my arms.

Taylor:"theirs no other way to put it lets get this over with so u can get to school"I say

Hailey:"I thought u said I wasn't going anywhere"I say

Taylor:"and by that I mean u will go to school come home and not go anywhere and it mean I'll be attending school with u"I say

Hailey:"What?! No!"I shout

Taylor:"I'm done with this behavior and it ends right now"I say sitting beside her pulling her over my lap and she starts crying I pull her pants down hold her waist then start her spanking.

Hailey:"ow daddy stop"I cry

Taylor:"why are u in this position?"I ask sternly while continuing.

Hailey:"cuz I stayed out did drugs,drank and wore practically nothing"I sob

Taylor:I nod and pick up the paddle starting again."I will not lose u just for the fun of it"I say

Hailey:"DADDY STOP"I scream and cry harder

Taylor:"never again Hailey do u understand me?"I ask putting the paddle down rubbing her back so she'll calm down.

Hailey:"y-yes"I cry he pulls me up and hugs me holding me until I calm down. I calm down pull my pants up grab my keys and bag going to my car speeding off but not in the direction where school is. He follows me I pull into the mall parking lot but their not open my doors are locked I just start crying with my head on the steering wheel.

Taylor:I walk over and knock on her window"Hailey"I say then I see her hand move then I see the top of my gun"Hailey what are u doing?"I ask frantically trying to get the door open she puts the gun in her lap still crying and still not answering me. I look around and find a big rock I smash her back window unlocking the door I open her door throwing the gun on the passenger side pulling her to me as she cries.

Hailey:"I don't wanna be here no more"I sob in his chest.

Taylor:"Hailey what's wrong?"I ask holding her to me.

Hailey:"I'm a fuck up everybody thinks so"I sob

Taylor:"no baby ur not a fuck up why would u say that?"I ask

Hailey:I calm down a bit"I'm starting to get bullied at school so I got in with the wrong crowed and started doing drugs that's the only thing that would calm me down and make the bullying stop"I sniffle

Taylor:"Hailey why didn't u just tell me?"I ask rubbing her back.

Hailey:"I don't know I just wanted to keep it to myself"I sniffle

Taylor:"Hailey I'm here to help u"I say

Hailey:"I know and I'm sorry I didn't tell u sooner"I sniffle wiping my face.

(To be continued)

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