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Avery:I get up at 3:30 in the morning hop out of the window and go to the park sitting on the swing while sniffling.

Taylor:I hear Avery's window open I get up and see her walking down the street I grab my shoes and follow her to the park and sit beside her"baby what's wrong?"I ask

Avery:"I don't know"I say not sure of myself.

Taylor:"well why are u crying?"I ask gently.

Avery:"I saw Hunter"I sniffle wiping my eyes he nods picking me up holding me."I wanna go home it's cold"I say while sneezing he hold me to him and carries me home once we get home I go upstairs to my room lay down on my bed and fall asleep.

Taylor:I walk in our room and see Susan sitting up"hey babe"I say and sit down

Susan:"hey"I say sleepily.

Taylor:"why are u up?"I ask kissing her head.

Susan:"I can't sleep my stomach hurts"I say

Taylor:"do u want some medicine?"I ask

Susan:"no it's not that kind of sickness."I say

Taylor:"what do u mean?"I ask

Susan:"remember that other time we had sex?"I ask

Taylor:"yeah"I say

Susan:"I might be a few weeks pregnant"I say"but I don't know for sure yet"I add

Taylor:"well we can make an appointment"I say

Susan:"ok"I smile and get up since its already 6:00

Taylor:I go downstairs and make breakfast then see Susan leaning down hold her stomach"babe are u ok?"I ask

Susan:"yeah"I lie

Taylor:"Susan don't lie to me tell me what's wrong now"I say firmly walking over to her.

Susan:"my stomach hurts bad"I say

Taylor:"alright let's go"I say after calling made to watch the kids.

Susan:"babe I'm fine"I say standing up.

Taylor:"Susan we're going"I say taking her hand walking to the car after Maddy walked in. We get to the hospital the doctors take her back and check her but they don't know what's wrong with her. I sigh and hold her hand"is she pregnant?"I ask and he gives her a sonogram.

Doctor:"um.... No she's not pregnant"I say

Taylor:"then what's wrong?"I ask

Doctor:"we do not know sir"I say.

Taylor:"well find out!"I shout

Susan:"babe calm down"I say as he's raising his voice a bit.

Taylor:"No u need to find out what is wrong with her that's what we are here for"I say angrily. They take her to the X-Ray room and get her lied down on the table. I put on a vest then hold her hand as she goes under the CT scan.

Doctor:I walk back out of the little room into the big room as Susan is pulled into the room out of the CT scan"ok so my mistake she is pregnant our stuff have not been working that well.... But she is 8 weeks pregnant"I say

Taylor:"ok what about the pains?"I ask

Doctor:"that's the thing I don't know about the pains."I say.

Susan:"Taylor it's fine the pains are gone lets go home"I say

Taylor:"no I need to know if u and the baby are ok"I say

Doctor:"the baby is fine"I say

Taylor:"what about her?"I ask

Doctor:"we don't know sir"I say a bit irritated.

Taylor:"then why the hell are u a doctor?!"I ask angrily.

Doctor:"u can take her to another hospital if you'd like"I say.


Susan:"Ta-"is all I can say before passing out.

Taylor:"HELP HER!"I yell holding her hand trying to wake her up.

Nurse:I run in and see Susan passed out on the floor I kneel beside her"can u take her to room 443?"I ask Taylor and I'm a friend of theirs. He nods and picks her up carrying her to that room I walk in the room and check her pulse she barely has any I go and get the shocker things come back in lay her down flat and shock her.... She doesn't even budge.

Taylor:"plz save her"I cry holding her hand"plz baby I need u"I sob she runs out of the room getting some doctors then pulls me out of the room as they lock the door."No.... Plz I need her"I sob trying to get back in.

Holly:"Taylor I know Susan she'll get through this"I say(she's the nurse)

Taylor:"I need her"I sob not even able to understand me. She pulls me into a hug not saying anything. I just hug her back praying over and over them the doctor comes out and tells holly what happened and she breaks down. I stand up"no no she can't be she's fine"I say and run through the door and walk over to her"baby please u can't leave me I can't do this without u"I sob holding her to my chest.

Hailey:I run in the hospital out of breath"WHERE IS SHE?!"I yell and they tell me where mom is.

Taylor:I hold her to me sobbing "God plz I need her we all need her"

Susan:my eyes flutter open"babe"I say a little bit scared.

Taylor:"omg"I say and hold her to me tightly.

Susan:"what happened?"I ask hugging him back.

Taylor:"I don't know u passed out they rushed me out then u flat lined"I say with tears streaming down my face.

Susan:"I love u Taylor"I sniffle laying my head on his chest.

Taylor:"I love u to baby"I say Holding her to me.

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