Lucad missing Mommy

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Angel:"daddy I wanna go home"I whine

Taylor:"Angel stop it we will go soon"I say

Angel:"now"I demand

Taylor:"corner now"I say

Angel:"No ButtHead!"I shout he gets up and Smacks my butt then puts me in the corner I cry and hit him on his leg.

Taylor:"stop the hitting right now"I say and she cries in her hands sitting down kicking and banging her fist on the ground I pick her up and see her on my lap she lays her head on my chest and keeps crying.

Noah:"oh mer gerd shut up!"I shout

Taylor:I chuckle"Noah it's not nice to say shut up"I say bouncing Olivia and he goes right back to playing his with his toys. Angel calms down as I rock her they must have missed their nap.

Jake:"dad can we go home now?"I ask

Taylor:"when the doctor says we can"I say and he nods then the doctor comes in and says we can go I nod and we go home to find Hailey sitting on the couch watching tv.

Hailey:I see Jake walk in and shoot up and walk over too him slapping him."WTF WHYD U SAY U WHERE GONNA KILL UR SELF?! ARE U JUST MAGICALLY STUPID!"I yell

Taylor:"HAILEY ENOUGH!"I yell and move her away from him"he knows he made a mistake but he wasn't thinking right"I say and she nods then goes to the living room."alright dinner then bed"I say

Lucas:"momma"I say reaching for Hailey.

Hailey:"what do I do?"I mouth to daddy.

Taylor:"I don't know"I mouth back.

Lucas:"MOMMA!"I scream reaching up for Hailey.

Taylor:I shake my head"pick him up"I sigh and she does I kiss his head then go start dinner.

Avery:"daddy can I go play with Emily?"I ask

Taylor:"no it's later after dinner everyone is getting ready for bed"I say

Avery:"daddy plz"I beg

Taylor:"no Avery"I say

Avery:"plz"I beg again.

Taylor:"Avery Rose I said no"I say

Avery:"plz"I beg

Taylor:"Avery ur not even allowed to play with her"I say

Avery:"Plzzzzzzzzz"I beg

Taylor:"what did I just tell u?"I ask

Avery:"daddy plz"I beg

Taylor:"answer my question"I say

Avery:"I wanna go"I whine

Taylor:"answer me Avery"I say

Avery:"I don't have to"I say

Taylor:"u don't?"I ask turning around raising my brow and she nods."what's the rule about speak when being spoken to?"I ask but she still doesn't answer me."then u guess h can be grounded"I say turning back to the stove and she walks to the front door and unlocks it."step one foot out that door and see what happens"I say and she whines and opens the door just a crack I raise my brow and watch her and she walks out. I follow her out and grab her hand and sit on the porch steps and bend her over my knee holding her their.

Avery:"nooooo daddy!"I cry

Taylor:"are u ready to listen?"I ask and she nods"next time u do this I'll spank u right then and their"I say and she nods then we go back inside and sit down and eat once we are done I clean up.

Angel:"daddy I don't wanna go to bed"I say

Taylor:"we are not going to bed right away everyone is getting ready for bed and we will watch a movie"I say and she giggles."alright half of the little ones with me and the others with Hailey and the others go bathe or put on ur pajamas"I say

Angel:"I stay with daddy"I say"why are we splitting up?"I ask

Taylor:"all of u kids in one bathroom with one person is a nightmare to happen"I say

Angle:"hey!"I yell since I'm a kid.

Taylor:I chuckle"just staring the truth"I say and get them all in one bathroom.

Lucas:"momma"I say starting to cry since I'm not in the bathroom with her.

Taylor:"shh baby it's okay."I say

Lucas:"MOMMA!"I scream and cry

Taylor:I walk over to the other bathroom."trade"I say holding Lucas she nods and hands me Andrew. I go back and get them bathed and take them to the bedroom to get them dressed and Andrew crawls all over the bed making his towel fall off I pull him back and lay him down but he keeps on crawling around. I get the rest dressed then lay him down grabbing a diaper and he makes noises while kicking his legs and he starts peeing I back up not wanting to get it on me.

Noah:"ew"I say

Taylor:"u use to do the same thing"I say and get him wiped and diapered then I get him dressed.

Hailey:"got it under control?"I ask while holding Lucas.

Taylor:"yeah this one decided it'd be cute to pee everywhere"I chuckle and pick him up and he starts giggling."alright movie time"I say and they go downstairs. I get the kids settled and the movie on the. Hailey puts Lucas down and he starts crying so she picks him back up"he should fall asleep soon"I say and she nods and we watch the movie."alright bedtime"I say when the movie ends everyone goes upstairs except for angel.

Angel:"I don't wanna go to bed"I say

Taylor:"Angel its late we all had a long day now let's go"I say and she shakes her head"one"I say and she runs up to her room I walk up and see their all asleep.

Lucas:I wake up"MOMMA!"I scream and start crying then daddy comes in my room and picks me up."MOMMA!"I scream and cry

Taylor:"hey baby calm down shhh it's okay"I say and he keeps on screaming and crying for momma."Lucas calm down"I say and Hailey comes downstairs."I'm sorry baby he should be calming down soon and go back to bed"I say and she goes upstairs u give him his bottle and he falls asleep I go upstairs lay him down then go lay down and fall asleep

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