Jake has a concussion and report cards.

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Haily:The next morning I get up and make pancakes eggs bacon sausage hash browns and toast then set the table.

Taylor:I walk downstairs to cook breakfast but I see Haily already has it covered as she sets the table"wow Haily it looks amazing"I smile

Haily:"thank u"I smile

Taylor:"thank u for fixing it"I smile and hug her.

Haily:"ur welcome"I smile then sit down and we all eat them I go get ready for school.

Noah:daddy gets me and my brothers and little sister ready"daddy why Aaliyah no go school?"I ask

Taylor:"she's not old enough yet"I say tying his shoes.

Noah:"oh otay"I say then he takes the kids to school us to daycare and goes home.

Susan:"hey"I smile and I hold a sleeping Aaliyah and he walks in.

Taylor:"hey"I smile and kiss her then kiss Aaliyah on the head.

Susan:"who walked in last night?"I ask

Taylor:"Jake"I say

Susan:"oh"I say then he gets a call from their school.

(Phone convo)
Nurse-hi Mr.Caniff Jake got beaten up today and he's in here could u come pick him up I'm afraid he might have a concussion.
Taylor-I'll be right there
(End of convo)

Nurse:I bump into Taylor"oh hi he's in my office laying down"I say

Taylor:I nod and jog to her office then see him laying there and he looks at me"how u feeling baby?"I ask

Jake:"like shit"I sigh holding a ice pack on my eye.

Taylor:"what happened who did this?"I ask

Jake:"my friends"I huff"but Haily stopped them before they could do worse"I add

Taylor:"Jake there not ur friends"I say

Jake:"I know"I sigh

Taylor:"come on let's get u to the doctors then home"I say

Jake:"uh why the doctors?"I ask cuz I always been scared of them.

Taylor:"to get u checked out to see if u have a concussion"I say and he nods waking to the car and falls cuz he's dizzy I rush to his side"yeah we are definitely getting u checked"I say and help him sit in the car then drive to the doctors office and sign him in then walk to the waiting room and sit next to him seeing he's very nervous I pat his leg"it's ok bud"I say and the doctor calls us back I help him in the back and he sits down on the table then I stand by him in case he gets dizzy again and can't sit up.

Doctor:"ok what seems to be the problem?"I ask

Taylor:"he got beaten up today at school and I think he has a concussion and he's dizzy"I say

Doctor:"ok.. I will get the nurse to get some X-Rays on him"I say

Taylor:I nod and rub his back when the doctor walks out he starts to breathe heavily"hey calm down and follow my breathing"I say looking at him he does and calms down then the nurse comes and takes him to the X-Ray room without me and I wait outside the door.

Jake:"UH DAD!"I yell as the 16 year old girls hand is near my crotch and she unzipping my pants he rushed in and pushed her away and pulled me to him.

Nurse:I run out of the little room"omg I'm so sorry my daughter snuck in here"I say and take her in the room then grab the X-Rays and take them to him"ok turns out he does have a concussion that's why he's dizzy."I say

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