Hailey Jake and Avery

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Susan:the next morning I wake up and take the kids to school but I have trouble taking Avery in to class so I call Taylor.

(Phone convo)
Taylor:"hello?"I answer
Susan:"hey baby sorry for waking u but Avery here is having an. Attitude this morning she already scratched my arm and made me bleed and she told me to shut up and she cussed at me now she's not wanting to go into class"I say as she scream and cries 'dont call daddy'
Taylor:"give her the phone"I say
Susan:"she keeps pushing it away"I say
Taylor:"I'll be their in a minute"I say
(End of convo)

Taylor:I drive to the school go inside to see Susan standing out side the class room with Avery who's throwing a fit once she sees me she starts crying harder I walk over to them"come here"I say and she shakes her head while crying I take her hand and crouch down in front of her"what have I told u about behaving for mommy?"I ask but she keeps on crying not being able to answer me"Avery calm down"I say

Avery:I calm down"u told me that if I didn't you'd best my A double S"I sniffle

Taylor:I chuckle at her spelling Ass"so why didn't u behave today?"I ask

Avery:"I didn't wanna go to school"I sniffle

Taylor:"why?"I ask

Avery:"I stayed up past my bedtime texting my friends and I'm tired"i sniffle

Taylor:"u little girl will be going to bed early tonight"I say and she nods then the teacher pokes her head out.

Teacher:"I'm sorry to interrupt but is she staying or going cuz I'm taking role call"I say

Avery:"Shut Up Bitch!"I shout

Taylor:"she's going but will be back to apologize"I say taking her hand going to the car she gets in we get home I take her inside she relized what she did and runs upstairs to her room putting a dresser I front of her door I sigh and go through my window through hers pick her up then walk downstairs.

Avery:"I'm sorry"I cry

Taylor:"you are gonna lay down take a nap then we will talk"I say laying her down she cries herself to sleep I cover her up then walk over to Susan"let me see ur arm where she scratched u"I say

Susan:"it's fine"I say putting it behind my back.

Taylor:"Susan"I say easing a brow.

Susan:"it's is babe"I say

Taylor:"then let me see"I say

Susan:"babe"I whine

Taylor:"Susan now"I say firmly.

Susan:"damn ok"I say and show him my arm.

Taylor:I look at it and see a deep scratch"sit down"I say grabbing a first aid kit.

Susan:"baby it's fine all it need is a bandaid"I say

Taylor:"Susan Caniff sit down now don't make me tell u again"I say

Susan:"babe"I say he looks at me with his eye brow raised"it's fine all it need is water and a bandaid"I sigh

Taylor:"babe it's still bleeding it's pretty back plz sit down and quiet being stubborn"I say

Susan:"nope"I say testing him

Taylor:"Susan Caniff sit downright now before I treat u like one of the kids"I say

Susan:"Taylor Caniff no"I say

Taylor:I set the first aid kit down grab her arm turning her around smacking her butt 5 times SMACK SMACK SMACK SMAKC SMACK "now sit down"I say

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