[8] Mall Adventures

Start from the beginning

          My lip twitched when I realized how moody my voice sounded. A little abashed, I clear my throat and tried to smile.

          “I saw you here and I swear I recognize you. But I don’t know where from,” he frowned, but then smiled again. A dimple surfaced. “Any idea?”

          I looked around the store for James, but saw him nowhere in sight. He wasn’t there to judge this kid’s character for me. “I wish I could say the same, but I don’t recognize you…” I smiled apologetically, turning back around and searching the earring rack. The kid tapped my shoulder again.

          “Where do you work?”

          I hesitated, and then relented, “I work with William Larkin.”

          “The magician?” He seemed surprised, but then realization dawned on him.

          I nodded, smiling and standing there awkwardly. “See, I knew I recognized you. I was at the show the other day. You know, the one with the fall theme? You’re his assistant,” he said, grinning like a maniac. “Awesome show, by the way.”

          I laughed, “Thanks.”

          He stood there for a moment longer, and then realized that I really wasn’t in the mood to be social. “Well, I guess I’ll go then,” he pressed his lips together and shoved his hands in his pockets. For a moment, his confident demeanor cracked, leaving him looking kind of lost.

          “Sorry, I’m just not very talkative today,” I tried to smile in a reassuring way, but I’m pretty sure it came out as a grimace.

          “Nah, it’s fine,” he waved it off, and was about to say something else, but a black haired girl walked up to him and put her arm around his waist.

          “Jared, I’ve been looking all over for you,” the girl told him, and then her eyes narrowed down at me. I felt like I’d shrivel up from the power in her gaze.

          “Who’s this?” she raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. Her eyes analyzed me head to toe, deciding whether or not I was a threat, I assumed. I’d like to think that I wasn’t.

          “Diane, this is… uh, sorry, I didn’t catch your name…” Jared trailed off, waiting for me to finish his sentence.

          “Rachel. I’m Rachel,” I shifted my weight between my two feet, trying to remain patient. I was antsy to get home and take a nap.

          “Yeah, this is Rachel. She’s William Larkin’s assistant,” Jared finished, grinning like a fool.

          Diane’s eyes brightened at this information. She re-analyzed me, finally deeming me as something worthy. “Nice to meet you,” she said, stretching out a perfectly manicured hand for me to shake. She smiled at me, but it wasn’t exactly warm.

          I put my hand in hers and shook it uncomfortably. “You too.”

          “Listen, I’ve got to get out of here and get to rehearsal,” I lied, “So I just got to buy these and I’ll be on my way,” I said, jerking a thumb towards the register.

          “Can you get me an autograph? From Will?” Diane asked hopefully, clinging onto Jared’s arm with great force.

          “Um, sure?” It sounded more like a question.

          “I’ll meet you back here tomorrow? Noon?” she offered.

          “Uh…okay…” I frowned. It could’ve been my mood, but she was being very persistent. Not in a good way, either.

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