Two days back :0 So he went for the race?? Shhh ...without knowing this what have I done?

While I was conversing with my mind, Nikkil continued speaking about Arjun." He is a motorbike-addict. He cannot live a day without his motorbike. He and his bike has a special bond. To be frank this is the first time I am seeing him with a girl. He never goes behind any girl and  that's the reason I was amazed to see you with him. Usually it's only Arjun and his bike.That's his everything. Only I knew the hurdles he faced to pursue this passion. He fought a lot with his parents to take up this passion . Still his parents does'nt like this. Most of the time he had to lie at his home "He detailed Arjun's other side which I never knew.

Meanwhile Arjun interrupted us "Nikki stop your exaggeration.Neha don't believe this mad man.You know what, Nikki is my inspiration,my role model,my friend ,my philosopher and everything. Only because of him I chose this passion."

They both were sincerely explaining themselves. I listened to them with all ears.

"Nikki was my senior at college , He comes to the college riding his KTM superbike , Everytime when I see him like that ,it's a visual treat for my eyes. He was the national superbiking champion continously for four years . If his ligament injury hadn't stopped him, it would be he who would've been the champion for years. He had gone through so much of pain in his life. His one injury had put a brake for his passion. I know much he loved it and he still loves it, that's the reason why I love him a lot. He is my everything. He is living his dreams through mine ." Arjun spoke so emotionally holding Nikkil 's shoulders.

"Enough Arjun!! we've worried enough for this, no more tears." Nikkil cut off Arjun.

I didn't know what to say. This was too much to take in. I didn't know whether I should feel pity of Nikkil or I should feel guilty of how bad I thought about Arjun..

"Got some work we'll meet later" Nikkil left waving us good bye.

"Shall we leave ?? "Arjun asked.

I nodded my head and ascended upon his bike. He raced forward giving pressure to his wrists. Throughout the ride he didn't say anything. He rode in dead silence.
"After all I am blameworthy for this! What should I say him now?? Will he respond if I apologise? ?" .

"Get down , we have reached! " I was taken aback from my thoughts by Arjun.

"Where are we?" I twirled around to see.

He had parked the bike infront of my home.

I got down from the bike, paced towards him, to apologise and convince him. But he raised the accelerator and swifted forward without even turning his head.

Ohh no !! Is he angry?? Ofcourse he will be, for what I've spoken ..:(

I was lying on my bed thinking about the crap I've done. "How am I going to meet him at office tomorrow ? " I never dreamt of these things about Arjun.Without knowing all this, I mentioned him as a spoiled brat, not only that I pictured him like a play boy. I knew words once spoken cannot be taken back. I don't even have the courage to meet him again.
Shit Neha U are going to die! .

But my heart was literally fluttering in happiness ,the reason was he doesn't have a girlfriend. "But was I jealous?Why should I be?" I wondered.

I was literally hiding at my home for the next two days , I didn't feel like going to the office . I was culpable and I am the one to be blamed.

Anyways life has to go on. Its not a good idea to run away like this . I should go to office.I am not a Forseer to know about him already. He should've said this before. If he had cleared me with all these in the begining itself , I would've not mistaken anything. How will I know he is a superbike racer?? As I decided the other day, till I find another job I should do this work. Its better to face him than hiding under the bush. I'll talk to him about this and apologise . After all it was because of him I thought such things.

The next morning was the first day of may ,it welcomed me with more sorrows. This month had two memories to remember, the day I lost my parents and the day I was born. And today was the former one. The day in which I lost my parents in an terrific accident two years back flashed before my eyes. A lonely feeling was already blocking my throat . Tears started to flow like a waterfall as I thought about them. I took the photo frame near my bed post and holded it tightly in my palm. I kissed the picture , and caressed it with my fingers ,were I was standing in between my mom and dad ,both of them were kissing my cheeks at a time. The best pic I had.
Miss you amma* Miss you appa*  
I whispered rubbing the tears that fell on the picture. I hugged the photo and wailed till my eyes become puffy and red. I was thinking about the sweet memories of my mom and dad. The cry never stopped till I heard the sound of the doorbell.

"Who is that ?? I never had any visitors to my home except Abhay.But he is not here. Now who is it?? " I wondered.

I unlocked the door. To my surprise it was Arjun standing at the doorstep.

Seeing my watery eyes he asked "Neha ! What happened?? Are you alright ?? "

I just ran to him..hugged him tightly and now I was wetting his shirt.

Hope you liked the chapter! Lots more to come..
Now their misunderstandings are cleared.Will they join hands?? Lets wait and see if Arjun & Neha comes together.

da-a friendly word used in tamil Amma-Mom in tamil
Appa- Dad in tamil

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