medical emergency part 48

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Niall's POV

I couldn't believe at the beach took me from my house and now I'm stuck in a funk and I don't know but then the warehouse and I have no clue where I'm too just because she wants to get a screw or have sex with my husband that girl is demented and I bet you my baby is losing it he can stay calm cool Collective under anything when it's a medical emergency and stuff like that but when my life's in danger he freaks I know my husband too well

I just pray and hope he's fighting and trying to find a way to get me out of here I mean she's gone off somewhere now to try to get her demands going but this is just plain sick

Zayn POV

I just can't get over the fact that he's been kidnapped I hope he's okay wherever I used to I mean this is totally is so much for me to handle right now just then there was a knock at the door I opened it and there was my mother along with Niall's mother

Trisha no worries I'm awesome get him back and I think she's off her rocker I mean God she was a good friend and everything to you and now she's gone psychotic and she can up your husband just because she wants you to have sex and everything with her and you've already told her a thousand times at your game and you thought you could trust her to fill in when he was on bed rest and stuff and never in a million years did we think Sophia would turn out to be like this

Just that everybody else came in behind and I could tell by the look on Pam face that she was ready to rip someone's head off

Pamela wait'll I get my hands on that b**** nobody hurts my friends

Trisha I know it's good that you care and everything about your friends Pamela dear but if I were you I'd calm down you are pregnant after all and I don't think you want to go into premature labor and you should know that you are a doctor after all the chief of staff at the hospital

Derek she's right baby I know how your temper isn't everything and that when you set off when you have people you care about in trouble and everything but if ever you think about those kids you carrying

Pamela you guys are right everything and you're right I still got two weeks before I'm supposed to go into labor and stuff so that they could scratch that I just wanted to premature my water just broke and I don't know if you have time to get me to the hospital or not but there's enough bloody doctors in this God damn want to help me anyway

Zayn wow of all times for this to happen my husband's been kidnapped and you're going into premature labor holy s*** okay it looks like one of us is going to have to help her before she has the baby is on my floor

Liam you think because I don't think there's enough time to get her to the hospital

Harry NoDa what was your first clue

Pamela guys can we stop arguing about who's going to get me to build a hospital and get this kid out of me now these kids at me now before I end up going worse because this is premature labor and it's f****** killing me remind me to kill you later baby

Derek note to self do not piss you off when you're going in labor love you though

Few minutes after that Scotland Yard would have to come up with a plan to help to get my husband when we told them that this is not the only situation we had to deal with right now because Pamela in labor prematurely and they were like well time for this to happen so they said they would worry about getting Niall back safe and sound why we helped her give birth

Pamela somebody get this goddamn younger than me now before I scream and kill somebody technically I wouldn't do that but you know this is just the pain talking here

Louis and she's a doctor and she's going through all this but if she can take the pain what are you going to be like when the time comes Perrie

Perrie you'll just have to wait and see I guess speaking of that time should my water just broke too let's pray and hope nothing happens to anybody else is pregnant

Harry you mean like me or Niall for that matter

Zayn hey I don't want to think about him going into labor was kidnapped that's the least of my worries right now I definitely want to figure out what the hell's going on if I get my hands on that b****

Scotland Yard let us handle all that you guys take care of the ones that are pregnant everything right now just take a deep breath you guys got too much to deal with right now normally you can handle things under pressure but when you got people that you care about in a situation you don't always think

Zayn and we definitely knew that he was right at that moment I just pray and hope that my husband's doing okay anyways time for me and the other doctors to get these babies out of. Pamela before it's too late let's just hope everything goes out good

Meanwhile back with Niall POV

As I'm sitting here all of a sudden I remembered something my due date can be anytime soon and the next month but in a situation like this under pressure you could probably go into premature labor I hope nothing like that happens to me but then again just as the word spoke my water broke

Medical Emergency - A Ziall AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now