Medical emergency part 37

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Niall pov

I woke up in the middle of the night cuz I need to go to the bathroom cuz I had to pee bad I tell you I hate being not bedrest caring multiples of not easy is bad enough when you're carrying one baby and you're a woman I mean I'm a male who can have babies the only thing is I'm stuck caring octuplets which is quite strange if you ask me so no doubt about it my baby is not shooting blanks anymore he's gone from hardly having any fertility to sky rocking with it. And you know what I wouldn't have it any other way is just means there's more of me love more

Just then my beautifu handsome husband woke up around me to me because I was not feeling too good at all and he could see it on my face and the first thing he said was.

Zayn morning sickness getting you baby cuz you don't seem too good you need me for anything just let me know.

Niall thanks a lot baby but I think it's true that you have to get up and get ready for work now baby and you also need to get her son up for school and I can't wait to you bring home a little girl that you're talking to because she's been through so much I meant I don't want it and I don't know why children are put through so much pain I am so tired of it these kids need to know book in these two kids always knew it along with the octuplets that that we are having . I am going to miss you when you're at work today is this stupid progress is going to make me go numb and I'm going to be bored bored bored cuz I'm so used to being at work love you baby

Zayn i know what you mean because work is extremely boring without you too it can be stressful when I don't have you there and take away the stress cuz you're always there when I need you and I miss you so much time you know what well least I can say that my temporary assistant is someone that we can trust I will not try anything with me Anyway I must get up but I don't want to cuz I'm too comfortable in this bed with you right now.

Niall well you don't have to get out of this and sent I just looked at the clock it's not as late as I thought it was so those are the in the morning I woke up pretty early this morning sickness let's get some sleep again where you really do need to get up anyway I was thinking maybe we can have a little fun time if you know what I mean since you can't have me at lunch time to day the doctors did say we can have beautiful fun in the bed.

Zayn will in that case I rolled over and took my baby in my arms I mean sweet love to him later on though I had to get up and get ready for work I just hope today's date is not so hectic after the s*** then went down yesterday at the medical center I just need a peaceful relaxing day at work but then again I am a f****** ER doctor who's that I'm going to have a easy day at work but there's a place to get crazy specially when you're the head of er like I am. Soon after I was ready dressed in my usual doctors in scrubs my mother came downstairs just when she got here along with the baby's mother that you will never going to stay with him while I am at work it's just so crazy because I'm so used to having them by myself at my work. this is only the second day of that but is it going to be torture to not see his beautiful face it was nice hot blue eyes looking at me just makes my day every day at work well I know one thing on the way to work they will have that flower shop drop off more beautiful flowers for my baby.
Cuz right now I'm feeling on top of the world. I wonder how everyone else is doing before we head to work hope the little girl that I'm supposed to be adopting is doing just fine as well

Meanwhile at Harry and Liam house

Liam pov
I had woken up and took a nice long shower because last night was a really hard night for my baby he was up half the night so hard to see me I'm sick I'll do everything to make his pregnancy as easy . Just name the beautiful baby the step in the shower behind me and wrapped his arms around me and kiss my cheek.

Harry morning handsome this morning sickness really got me last night I'm still getting me look I'm going to get ready to go into work today just hopefully I can get through it without having another crazy stuff going on like yesterday I'm glad I'm head nurse that Medical Center. But there I feel like we are running a funny fram and that just place is just little crazy sometimes yesterday showed up to work their started to get crazy you could possibly say I want in on lesbians having sex Medical Center floor

Liam well that is something to walking in on though never actually had to walk in on two lesbians banging on the floor of the Medical Center before the dam please believe in open I'm wondering how the f*** do they even get in there sheesh you sure that you and the other doctors can handle things at the Medical Center today why I'm busy at the hospital doing my usual thing as head of the Pediatrics department .

Harry of course I can baby everything will just turn out right cuz I know later when you show up you'll be there to make my day go much better and everything I might think about you it just makes me feel alive I can fly to get through everything cuz I got to say you are one hot f****** sexy driving force Mr Payne

Liam welcome here in a minute so I can make you some good time in the shower here before we have to f****** go to work I'm not there with you please take good care of the babies your caring for me so I don't want anything to happen to you baby

Harry trust me ill be just fine

Meanwhile with Louis and perrie

Perrie pov

I woke up in the middle of the night last night was bad morning sickness and again this morning right now I'm having a bit of pain in my chest too and I don't know why and I don't really want to wake up my beautiful man here to tell him about it cuz I don't want to scare him I'm worried about the baby's name I'm carry. Because right now we have enough on his plate to take you in his nieces and nephews and stuff I love you do anything for anyone and I love him to death bring you he needs to get a chance to calm down as much as I do isn't working double shifts other than sports bar lately. because the buns what's behind this being getting ready for an upcoming sports event that everybody can't wait sometimes I feel like he does works is so way too much.

Louis wakes up moring beautiful what are you up to this fine and gorgeous day cuz you seem lost ends up there so if you need something you see it you need to tell me because I heard you up last night puking your guts out and I can tell that you're in pain I think after we get the kids to school before you go right upstairs to work at least get checked out

Perrie through right now I will get checked out just before I go to work and I will do whatever the doctor tells me to do cuz I don't want it to risk babies that I'm carrying your baby

Louis good come on let get up

Next thing you know I was getting up for the morning right after he said that and heading for work I don't know which doctor I should see it at the pains in my chest but I have a feeling and maybe I'll stick to one of the ones I trust the most you know that probably Pam or maybe even Liam or possibly you know doctor Malik with himself really good to have doctors as your friends it has least you know he got someone you could trust diagnosing you and you don't have to feel on edge I'm just praying that everything goes right with these babies tonight. And today

Meanwhile with Pam

Pam pov

I was just getting ready to head out the door to go to work Derek behind me when I felt a sharp pain in my chest but then again I knew what it was it was just really. heartburn know then having that a lot lately and that's because of all the spicy foods that the babies have been craving. But I've got to learn to back off a little because too much spice the food is not good for them. today is going to be a bit hectic I just hope everything' ok with my friends don't get me wrong and I got a feeling that was going to ask me you can help again today but I wouldn't have it any other way I'm here for the when they need me and with thought in mind we got to work look out wrold here we come

Medical Emergency - A Ziall AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now