medical emergency part 47

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Harry POV

Liam came home after a long day of work at the hospital and a long day at the medical center and he told me everything went on from home and Wilson at the medical clinic to what was going on with Sophia I was ready to kick some ass

Harry you were telling me is Sophia is threatening to get rid of Niall and break up him and Zayn because she wants to sleep with me that's just sick

Liam yeah tell me about it but on a lighter note the funniest things the one I'm with old man Wilson today at work at the clinic was crazy I mean somehow you still manage to get himself hold of some morphine I need got so high that he started swinging from the rafters we had to distract him long enough for me to give him a needle to sedate him then we got them down thank God and then we had Scotland Yard take him to the hospital we're thinking about meeting him and on the 4th floor in fact the Pam I was the head of staff and she happened to be there she put a rush on it

Harry wow I wish I would have been there at least seems from swinging from the rafters you know it wasn't nice being in this bed all day with you gone I don't like being on bed rest when you are not here to cuddle

Liam yeah I know what you mean it's hard we've been together for years as boyfriends and I finally popped the question you last week or the week before and you finally said yes and everything so I just gotta ask you something whenever you were going to make plans for our wedding

Harry sooner help baby very soon when the baby is born because this is too stressful on everything as it is I know one thing's for sure though when you work in her profession there's a bunch of crazy nut cases and then there's all these nut balls of medical emergencies and everything going on it's just a day in the life of you being a doctor and me being a head nurse but then again we are other people in the profession to like perrie Your assistant and Pam is dr Zayn is the best Dr in the UK and Niall his medical assistant and then we have the fact that we're all in the medical profession pretty much except for Louis who owns a sports bar

Liam well that's kind of funny you never think somebody had to be the odd man out I wonder what else is going on these days with everyone

Just then we got a phone call and it was Zayn he was really ecstatic saying that Sophia kidnapped Niall
I love dearly and so we gotta go over to Zayn house cuz if not God knows what's going to happen

Let's just pray and hope that everything will be ok because now I was carrying his children as well if I get my hands on that b**** look up she's about to get a pregnant smack down on her

Meanwhile Zayn POV

I couldn't believe it that that b**** snuck into the house and kidnap my husband and took him and left me a ransom note saying that if I don't have sex with her I won't get them back this is just totally disgusting I'll have to call all my friends because I really need them right now it's a good thing that Harry and Liam are on the way but I'm also going to call the others this is just something that I can't get over the fact I need my husband back safe and sound I can stay cool calm under pressure and everything went as a medical emergency and when is the life of my husband or anybody in the family I don't know what to do

Brad hey Dad I'm home what's going on

Zayn son you're not going to believe this but you know how I told you I was having problems with that temporary assistant she kidnapped your other father now we have to do everything to try to get him back

Brad that's not good at all I'm going to take this and go upstairs when you deal with this situation and I'll even see if I can get grandma and Grandma to come over to see what they can do to help because this is not right I'll call them for you I could do that much

Zayn thanks kid and I already called Scotland Yard

That I Pamela and call Derek next

Pamela hey Zayn what's up man

Zayn you know how I was telling you all about everything that was going on with Sophia let's just say she struck again but she just came to my place not too long ago and kidnapped Niall now I have to try everything to get my husband back oh and she left a note stating that if I don't have sex with her then I'm not getting them back

Pamela oh hell no that b**** is not going to be dealing with a situation like that She lays one f****** hand I might hurt somebody I'm going to do a lot more than that I'm going to f****** kick the s*** out of her and I'm pregnant so you don't want to piss me off right now yeah I got fisticuffs free to come flying

Zayn note to self stay on your good side boss anyway can you guys just hurry up and get here I just need all my friends right now because this is something I don't know what to do it's a good things Scotland yard is on the way in my family I just really wish I knew what to do

Pamela oh we're on our way alright see you when you get there

Deadly know one thing for sure if anything happens to my baby as in my babies I mean my husband or the kids is caring I will never be able to look at Sophie again she is not the friend I knew she's changed way too much

Medical Emergency - A Ziall AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now