medical emergency part 40

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Harry POV

Being the head nurse at the medical clinic is not always easy this is the weekend and normally I'm supposed to be off but I got called in because the one that comes in on the weekend couldn't make it let's just say things are a little too crazy today you asked me so good thing Zayn gets the day off cuz he really needs it because of the week he's had at work and he deserves to have some time with Niall so it's pretty much me and Pam and Liam holding down the fort

Just then only William comes in and goes crazy stripping and running around high as a kite again we never had to deal with him in a long while what are we going to do with this man it's like he is ready to join the circus or something and where I am pregnant and I am in no state to go running after him and the same thing for Dr Mishaud so so the only one that can really go after him but probably being Liam or a bunch of nurses

Dr Mishaud oh don't tell me it's only in Wilson again Harry

Harry OK I won't tell you but sadly it is

Dr Payne who wrote I got on this guy is crazy what are we going to do with him this time what did you get into this time the last time I checked with the morphine in the Laughing Gas away

Nurse I think this time you got into the Advil drawer and question all up and snort it then I think he got the air tanks that we blow up the helium balloon with it and started sucking in helium he's crazy for an old man we can't even keep up with him

Dr Mishaud what the bloody hell are we going to do with this guy I mean every time we try to stop them the man is crazy comes in here for medical attention we give it to him but the next thing you know he's getting high as a freaking can't I tell you he makes a junkie look calm

Harry I don't know about you guys but I think you're right on that one scares me I have to run to the bathroom because I think I've got a little thing called morning sickness hitting me and I'm supposed to be off on bed rest but the thing is so we got to help you guys get this place an order today but I just can't get over that s*** head because he is way out of control though so he's going to have to handle me most of the day thank God I don't have to run after him why I'm like this

Liam there's no way in bloody hell I'm about to let you run after him when you're like that now come on get your act together cuz we gotta get you to take it easy and that go in my office and take a rest for a bit I'll handle Wilson

Dr Mishaud and while you're handling him also to some of the patients and everything like that oh by the way dr. Sheppard's coming in to help with the patients as well because he don't want me overdoing it and we're getting pretty busy today for a Saturday and Sunday it's going to be a busy weekend if you ask me that's good because it's time for the flu shots to be coming out and we are free clinic not everybody can afford to go to other people they gotta do what they gotta do let's just hope you can get Wilson under control if not you might have to get the police on here again that was a crazy site we had to do that about 2 months ago

Harry Pam how are you always cool under pressure and stuff like this

Pam well I'm ahead of the hospital as Chief of Staff of course I'm going to be able to understand how to deal with situations like this you have to know how to handle the pressure when you got that situation I mean you gotta know what to do when you run the whole Hospital you run the whole ship if you don't know what to do how are you going to keep it intact

Harry you always seem to know the right stuff to say anyway we better get back to work and get this all under control a man sometimes I wonder what are we going to be able to do with that man when he gets crazy he's like 86 the last time I checked what's he going to do when you turn 9 if he's still around that guy got too much energy for his age the next thing you know he's probably going to be running around emergency room dancing the Macarena or something because this guy is crazy

Dr Mishaud really the Macarena dance you could have came up with something a lot better than that man

Harry I guess you're right I'm just going to run into the bathroom before everything gets out of hand here cuz I really need to deal with this s*** right now before my water breaks or something in the next couple of months but knows this is crazy having this type of job and being on bed rest and everything but you gotta do what you gotta do anyway but I'm only off for this week I'm only going in for the weekend which is a good thing because I can't take this stress too much me and that old man is hyper no wonder I have been off the last couple of months

Liam yes baby that's a good idea for you to be taking a nap and that my office now like I told you will get all this under control

Anonymous of which is a good thing and it's a good thing that zaynis not here today he had to see all this he'd be like going crazy and he's dealing with enough as it is he's so stressed cuz you haven't had much sleep in the last little while and the fact that he doesn't have Niall that the office is driving him nuts I wonder how the weekend is going

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