medical emergency part31

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Niall's pov

I was in the kitchen cooking dinner for me and my husband there are young boy that we just got home from hospital because the boy looks like he can use some nourishment. After what his real parents put him through. But now Brand don't need to feel . Scared to put his head on his pillow at night or to walk around the house without getting beaten because he is gay. The kid is 10 years old he's just learning about her sexuality cuz he noticed something was wrong with the way he looks good girls and boys. School counselor help them pinpointed what you think his parents would have been supportive this is all new to him. Me growing up I had the full support of my family they respected my wishes. Didn't care that I was gay. And
it was the same for zayn family so we where lucky there they just wanted us happy .so I hope that Bard will love here because we know how he feels it can't help it that he gay some people choose it and others have the DNA for it and in his case it the DNA .the same goes in my case and zayn we both have the DNA for it .but are families love us for who we are. And just then I felt two arms around me .

Zayn hay what you thinking about baby and dinner smells good as always baby

Niall thanks baby and was just thinking I hope Brad will like it here because I don't want him to feel uncomfortable I want to know that we're here for if he needs us and he can count on us because no child should have to go through this to me not liking them for who they are. One thing when we do have are baby or babies they will know how much we love them because they will never feel not wanted they can come us for anything .and I wanted Brad to fell like that.

Zayn that good baby and I told Brad he could come us for anything and he thank me and said he feels more at home here then he did when he was living with is real parents he just wants to know real love and he's going to love it and he's going to get to be a kid because that's what family is there you don't have to be straight to have family it what on the inside that counts and stuff

Niall your right about all that stuff baby I just wanted to be the best father I can be

Zayn and you will be baby now and always just know that I'm going to be by your side the whole why

Niall good come on let's get brad for dinner

Zayn I'll right I'll get him why you get the food setup

Zayn went to get Brad and I sat up the dinner and then the 3 of us sat down and ate at the table Brad told us that his real father would make him eat in his room because he was gay and he should not be seen with a gay .that broke my heart I'm so lucky that my mom and dad love me for me and like I said it was the same for zayn and it was also like that .for Liam and harry I'm so sick on the hate in the world .I thought we told Brad that here he could sit at the table if he wants and he .could do anything he want like watch TV and stuff and play his games and just be a kid .if he like and he thank us for it .we also told him about the school that was private that is for kids when ur gay or kids that have gay parents so they all could be unstood because they don't need to be pick on for who they are and we ask him if he wants to go there .

Brad pov

I could not believe my luck Dr malik and Niall are really caring there need to pay for me to go to a private school that's for children that are gay or have gay parents so everybody understands what it's like. in some way and you don't get ridiculed for it what some of the best news I've ever heard I'm so tired of having to hide who I am. I just want people to accept me for me I'm just your average 10 year old kid the only difference is my sexual preference with guys I mean that don't make me any different from anyone else. I can help what's in my DNA. So i took a deep breath and said

Brad that would be geart to good to school and not have to hide who I am because I just want someone to love me for who I am and you two are show in what a true family love is because you are willing to let me be a kid and can I say I love you guys like real parents for that

Zayn of courses you can because you are son now we adopted you so do you want to tell you love it says your father's that's fine anything you need for your son. So if you want to go to that school I'll put in the call tomorrow and that why you can feel like you can be you

I got up and hug zayn when he said that because now I can be a real kid and maybe have real friends for once because that all I really want is to be a kid . after dinner I went to my room and around ten Niall came and said I should get to bed because it was getting late so I went to bed for the night and I hope I can get in to that school because I just want to fit in I thought to myself and to think I meet them because my real father put me in the hospital and almost killed me thank god I'm OK I thought to myself and went to sleep .

Zayn pov

I could not help but think about how much pain Brad was put thought it was not right now hopefully this school will help him fit in I know me and Niall went to a noraml school but it was not a school where you not picked on for that or the person would be kick out the headmaster did not let that stuff happen .well I hope it goes good tomorrow for the kid because he just wants to fit in .I took Niall in my arms and went to sleep lets see what morning will bring

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