medical emergency part 27

27 1 0

Dr malik pov

I was working in my office when the phone rang it was Harry he was talking about how crazy things are going over at the medical center I told my see what I can do to get there to help later on cuz its not good. After I got off the phone with Harry there was a knock at my door I said come in. I looked up and saw my handsome husband .

Niall hay baby it going for are lunch break what do you want for lunch today baby

Zayn hey baby how about we have McDonalds today

Niall McDonalds it is then I'll be right back with a baby love you

Zayn love you too handsome

With that niall left to get are McDonalds and I went back to my work on my desk just then I got a call from the Er

Dr malik hello

Nurse Dr Malik we have a boy down and losing a lot of blood
That was in that bus accident and dr. Payne has his hands full with young girl that was in it will you be able to help him out for a bit

Dr malik be right there and I'll see what I can do for the boy

Nurse thank you Dr malik see you when you get down here to the Er

And with that I got on the phone and left a note for Niall that I went downstairs to the Er because they need me and I would be back in a minute and when I got to the er and saw how much blood this young boy was. Losing I had to get him into the or fast .and after about 2 hours the boy was well enough to go back to his room and I went to talk to his parents. The father was not happy that I save him because his son his gay and the mother was happy that I saved him but I could tell that the father as her sacred .just then when the mother was thanking me .the father pull out a gun

Dr malik Mr Mattws this not the right thing to do to people just because your son is gay and stuff so don't shoot your wife because she loves him for who he is

And before I could say anything else the man shoot himself and his wife I told the nurses to get security and I told another doctor to help me get to get them in to the OR fast .we did all we could for them but it did not work out thay both die and it was not good at all now that young 10 boys as know one to take care of him he needs someone will understand. I went back upstairs after that to my office I couldn't believe what I just witnessed and I tried to save them both it was not right at all. When I get back to the office Niall looked at me

Niall baby you all right a nurse called me and told me what happened down in the Er are I was scared but she told you where fine and that you where trying to help them how there son holding up because of all this I can know about this because I work with you as your Medical assistant

Dr malik he don't know anything yet because as not woke up from me helping him yet and thing now this young boy might end up in the foster care system because of his father that not right baby

Niall why don't we adopt him because he deserves to have a loving family after everything that child been put through I mean Dr Payne is the main doctor on that child case so if you adopt him your not jeopardizing anything

Dr malik your right baby I was just helping Dr Payne out and ya if the kid wants us to adopt him then we will lets talk to the Hospital social worker about this because I think that kid needs know love for the first time in his life he will see what it's like to have a real family

Niall good lets make a phone call to her and then we will have are McDonalds like we planned earlier

Dr malik baby you could of eat without me you didn't need to wait because that was like4 hours ago baby

Niall I know that but I did want to eat without my husband

Dr malik I love you so much

Me and Niall made the phone call and set up that if the young boy Brad wants to come up with us he will as are son and he will know real love for once in his life. And then we went to eat are lunch in my office as always

When we where done eatting niall sat in my lap as always
Answer kiss down my neck I was loving the feeling of his lips I pull him close to me and kiss him deep and hard god what he does to me I love my baby more and more the next thing I knew mirror on dressing each other like Mad Men and I was loving the feeling of my husband cuz of how he feels I started to f****** sense God is feeling so good next thing I knew he was coming with a call of my name on his lips it just gets harder and harder with my baby. One thing I can honestly say is that I love him more and more each day.

Dr malik thanks baby I need that and I love you for it I think we need to get back to work I am going to check on the young boy and make my around and ask the boy what he wants and if he wants to come home with us then that what will happen

Niall alright I love you and if he comes home with us he will get everything he needs I love you baby you have a good heart and it one of things I love about you so much

Dr malik I could say the same thing for you

And with that me and Niall when back to work I head to the er where I talk to the young boy about everything and he said he would love to go home with me and Niall because he would fit in where he gay to because his family did not understand him his father used to always do drugs in beat him for no reason at all. So I told him that he would go home with me and niall when he got out of the hospital wonder how things are going over at the medical center hope it's going okay

Medical Emergency - A Ziall AU FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz