medical emergency part 41

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Niall POV

The next morning I woke up after having a nice relaxing night with my baby I needed that so I could tell you had a hard day at work managing the assistant that was supposed to be a friend of ours that was a temp for him was trying to seduce him my husband and she knows he's freaking gay

So I decided to go downstairs to make some breakfast for him and bring it to him in bed he deserves it after everything he does for me I'm wondering if I can get cleared to go back to work for a little bit till they can find a assistant that he can trust because really I don't think I can want just anybody with them after a while so if he had tried to do yesterday

Why I was in the kitchen cooking up some breakfast there was a knock on the door I answered it and there was Louis he looked pretty tired

Niall Whoa man you're so tired what's wrong with you all of a sudden

Louis up half tonight because of my siblings and I am looking after since I got custody of them because of my parents and everything you know about that my dad right that's what was going on plus. Perrier Couldn't sleep last night because of the baby kicking her

Niall yeah I totally understand what that's like I mean I tried to sleep in the babies I'm caring keep tossing and turning inside my stomach and making me not getting comfortable this weekend I'm more concerned about my baby because yesterday when he went to work he almost tried to get hit on by his so-called substitute assistant and believe it or not it was Sophia

Louis you mean our old friend from college that we that we could trust on that we thought we knew in high school that was my f*** buddy in college trying to seduce your husband when she f****** knows he's gay what the f*** is wrong with this God damn picture that's one f****** f***** up thing

Niall you like to use the F-word much because you've been dropping that left and right there now I think you're having one of those days by the sounds of it man let me guess you need something for a hangover again or something for a headache this time I don't think you drink so much since you got with Perri

Louis you're absolutely right I don't drink so much anymore and no I'm not hungover I think this time it's just the fact that I've got a massive headache from being up half the night trying to get some of the kids that were not feeling well back to sleep and stuff like that with them unless I don't know how my mother used to do it with all of us but these are the ones from my father said you know what I mean anyway I got to get back over to the house and make sure everything was okay and thanks for the stuff men and I can't believe that Sophia will try to do what you did yesterday I'll tell you one thing never again will I trust that which in sheep's clothing

Niall yes see you later man and we'll see in a couple days time for a poker night I think we're hosting it this time let's just hope you don't cheat again this time

Louis never you guys going to be crazy to think I would do something like that I'm very just good and canning at the game

Niall yeah right and I'm the tooth fairy anyway I'll talk to you later man

With that Louis left and I walked upstairs to bring my baby is food because I understood that he was still exhausted from the long day of work he had yesterday I mean that was so crazy for him he never thought in a million years that one of our best friends we trust could actually try and do that to my poor baby and cause trouble between me and him no way am I about to let that happen

Niall hey baby I got you something because you really you seem like you're still exhausted from the busy week you had at work and everything that happened yesterday was probably just a lot too much for you

Zayn yeah it was the last night the watching the movies and everything with you and cuddling and having pizza and just being a couple felt really nice you know just that intimacy between the two of us I miss having that sometimes I just wish you were able to still be at the office with me twenty-four/seven like you used to because then when you're there I know I have you and I can see you and have our special time together at lunch we always made time for each other is just so her and the fact that you have to be on bed rest and stuff like that because of how stressed out you been with this pregnancy so far

Niall I'm doing okay right now and if I wasn't on bed rest I probably still have a few more months able to work before I have to go on maternity leave to have the baby and stuff you know

Just then there was a knock at the door

Niall open the door hay Pam

Pam he just came by to see how you're doing and everything with the pregnancy and stuff like that we had a busy day yesterday at the bloody crazy Medical Clinic I tell you that's a good thing me Derek and Liam were there because you know crazy old man Wilson again this time he showed up drunk trying to get high and everything that is a good thing we had the Laughing Gas put away and it's a good thing we had the morphine and everything put away stuff like that you know but I tell you what he got high on this time you're not going to believe it he got high on the helium machines we use to blow up balloons for kids and stuff this guy is a lunatic he's 86 years old but he acts like he's a teenager and he wants to swing from a freaking rafters

Niall wow are you sure I'm the one that should be on bed-rest you're the one that sounds more stressed out than I do anyway how's it going with her pregnancy and feeling a lot better now because I got my blood pressure under control and everything like you told me to

Pam well now that you're stable than nothing that you can go back to work for a bit for better probably another 3 to 4 weeks before you have to go back on permanent maternity leave and that until the time is right so I can find someone that I can trust to take your place this time cuz after having to deal with that b**** Sophia and everything she tried to do yesterday to your husband yeah I don't want just any stupid person feeling anymore I mean come on she even knew you were gay I want a report of all that to the temporary agency let's just say she'll never get a job there again

Niall well thanks that's something that we really appreciate the fact that I can go back to work for a little bit so that be great anyway I'm going to finish doing my weekend home with my husband and then will be back to work on Monday so you can figure things out before I go back on permanent leave till I can come back after my maternity leave that is this is one crazy thing that's going on in it

Pam that is so by the way I did some more tests and everything and that those pills are definitely helping your husband's count and he definitely don't have to worry about his blood cells anymore because they're getting cleared very good so I don't think he's going to be having any cancer anytime soon anyway but there's one thing I have to also tell you make sure he keeps taking those pills rest of his life so that I don't come back like it's supposed to just want to remind you on that in a minute see you when I come back again or send her back to work on Monday let me know when you come back the order is for you to take it easy not to do anything strenuous you have to do any heavy lifting get someone else to do it for you just do the normal stuff like at your desk you know phone call stuff like that and I mean it man

Niall you got it boss lady see you

And with that I went back to zayn

Niall hey baby Pamela says I can come back to work for a little bit for about 3 to 4 weeks so she can have time trying to find somebody to fill in for you and it's only going to be easy stuff I'm not going to do no heavy lifting or anything like that just to the phone calls stuff like that but you'll still have me around a bit and they'll be an assistant assist me in it so yeah that should work because my blood pressure is good enough for me to be back

Zayn thank God I'll have my baby back at work for a little bit with me because it's not the same without you you know and we can have lunch in my office and everything again but I mean even though it's only three or four weeks it's better than nothing I'll get some time with the other way it's supposed to be will have some more normally that's all I ever wanted to come here baby

Niall I kiss zayn I love you baby

Zayn I love you more how about I show you just how much

Niall please do

Medical Emergency - A Ziall AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now