Medical emergency part 9

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Later on after I finish with the patient down in ER . I got into the elevator and headed back to my office. when I walked out of the elevator I walked straight to my office area. it took me hours down there certain test the doctor Payne wanted to do is not allowed to have that test done without the ok of the head of the department or the head of staff. so before I did anything . I ran it by Pam to see if she taught the test was necessary when she had a close look at the patient she signed the papers stating that dr. Payne to do the test because the patient would have been very critical if we did not find out the source of circumstances . Now the rest is up to Dr Payne

Soon as Isaw m y husband at his desk I walked up to him and kisses hot lips. hey baby I said did you happen to holes my calls when I was down ER .

Niall didn't have to baby there was no calls coming through you look beat you know anything about your lunch break because I want to take you down there but I guess those most him something very important anyway let's have are lunch now

Dr Malik baby you know you could have had your lunch an hour ago you know how long it was going to be down in the er

Niall baby you know that you always come first when it comes to our lunch time have to make sure my baby has a full stamina at work because you do get a lot of pressure why you think I'm always trying to give you a little fun at lunch time to easy it I know your always cool under the pressure but you still need to take a little break and take time for yourself so come on I got you your favorite from that Italian restaurant up the road and I got mine as well. so come on lunch to your office as always .

DR MALIIK - how can i say to that come on and that you for getting my favorite for that ltalian restaurant up the road .lets eat baby

NIALL- good because i'm ready to eat and have some fun with my baby how the head now that your not that bad this morning for you hangover baby

DR Malilk -much better baby and that fun you gave me at home made me feel so good if you know what i'm talking about baby the way you give head is good

after me and Niall where done are food like always .i pull him into my lap and we had are fun like i said it a good thing that know one knows what goes on inside the my office because it sound proof . i slowly took my baby cloths of of him and then i kiss down his body to his manhood like always and i worked him good

gay smut

the next thing i knew i was trusting up in said my baby god i love it when he ride fast and hard god .my niall feels so good and i can't help but come so damn hard and fast god i love this man 6 YEARS and the love get more and more and that just of being married we be together since middle school .i soon knew that my baby was about to come and he did with a cry my name on his lips.

Dr Malik. damn. That was so good god you make me wanna jump you again boy I love you so damn much what you wait to see if this treatment that I'm getting for my blood cells will help me get you up the stumps yes baby I so want to start a family with you and have a little one of you running around would make my day.

Niall good to know that baby because when you were doing in the ER I start to feel a little sick I wasn't quite sure what was going on with me. And asked Pamela if she could run some tests . She ran a pregnancy test for me let's just say how do you feel about being the daddy of twins because your treatment of now no more drinking alcohol down to the pub for me until ni months are up I just pray and hope that the morning sickness is not bad but in the end it will all be worth it so baby we're going to be parents what are you say. Happy.

Medical Emergency - A Ziall AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now