Medical emergency part 11

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Zayn's POV

After I left the Chiefs office I went to find Perrie Edwards because I needed to run those tests on her if she wants to know for sure if she is caring Louise baby because this could be a big step in their relationship and they need to be able to work it out themselves if she is but I think if they are going to have a baby they would be wonderful parents I mean in a little bit of the time that I've seen Louis seem to stop dirkiing
On unless he having a night out with us at the pub. Perrie brings the best out in him .and I happy for them where starting to see the old Louis one who we came friends with in middle school. Anyway I found perrie at her desk in front of Dr Payne office

Dr Mailk hey perrie do want to come so I can run thoughts test on you now to see if you are carrying Louis baby

Perrie ok. Dr Mailk just let me go tell Dr Payne where I'll be

Perrie I knocked on Dr Payne door

Dr Payne Come in

Perrie Dr Payne I'm I'm just going to have some test done by Dr Mailk I'll be right back

Dr Payne SureThing just come on back when you're done and I hope the test goes right you told me that earlier but it is he's doing so let me know how things go with you

Perrie will do mate

And with that I took perrie to run the test soon after I had the results the test for her i looked her straight in the eyes and said

Dr Mailk you are pregnant with Louis with baby and there you have to talk it out and figure out what you're going to do anyway I'm here if you guys need to talk with me more about this.

Perrie thanks again mate I'm just going to get back to work and talk to Louis about this later see you mate

Return to my office after I was finished with her. I saw the love of my life at his desk just typing away on his computer when he looked up and me and smile

Niall Hey Baby how's it going you little lady are you okay

Dr Mailk I'm just fine baby I mean where going to be parents of twins and the Chief is pregnant for Dr shepherd and they are both so happy about that. and I just did some tests on perrie because she told you I was doing that and said they said so we can help her out if need be and she pregnant for Louis

Niall wow I didn't see that one coming but perrie pregnant with Louis baby but I think they will make good parents

Dr mailk you and me both never thought we see the day Louis would be come a dad

Niall you said it baby

Dr Mailk well I think we should get back to work so we can soon go home for the day this is long day

Niall ya baby because I would like hurry up and get home and make my baby feel better after along day of work

Dr Mailk do you know well come on let's get back to work so we can get out of here

Niall let's

Later on we where done and we check out of the office for the day .we head home for the evening and got comfortable in front of the TV and watch .father ted and Mrs Brown boys and we could not stop laughing at it .Niall was falling asleep in my lap and .pick him up and carry him to bed because he was so tired .he need his rest . because after all he need he now carrying my twins and I'm so happy because I'm the luckiest man in the world to have him and and always will .I just can't wait tell me .and him have the babies . just then he woke up with a smile on his face .

Niall what are you thinking baby

Zayn just how happy I'm a that where having the babies with you and I can't wait till they get here so we can be a good family that the next step for us anyway .I just want you to know that I love you so much .and your the reason .that my life is Complete .

Niall baby that so sweet and you make me complete to and your the best friend I need and love off my life I mean even after 6 years of being married we can make love and still have that spark it so good you get me and I get you I love to baby but there is going to be one promble when I do have the babies where am I going to push them out I mean I can't push them out of my litte Niall

Just then there was a kocnk on the door downstairs and it was perrie and Louis Niall open the door and let them in it seem that Louis door was locked and he did not have his key for his house and perrie place was a cross town so we told them they could stay the night with us in the gust room they thank us and Louis said that he and perrie talked and there baby but he is a bit nervous that he going to be a dad but me and Niall told him he will be a geart dad and he thank us and him and perrie went to bed and me Niall went back to bed as well

When we when to bed we cuddled up and went to sleep but we where woke up by perrie Screaming harder Louis I looked at Niall and Niall said if you can beat them join them

Gay sex

I pull Niall into my arms and kissed him and roled over on top of him and kiss down his neck and all the way down to my baby hard member and stuck him off he was a mess under me .and I soon push myself inside him and gave it to him we both could not hold back and we came like a title wave and we then fell asleep with smiles on are faces because we can't wait for the babies to get here.

Medical Emergency - A Ziall AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now