Medical emergency part 22

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Zayn POV

Zayn the next morning me and niall got up and ready for the day we saw that perrie was taking the kids to .school before she head to the hospital to started her day at Liam office. And me and niall wave to her and drove of to wrok for the day and we thought to areselfs we hope Louis is doing much better than. He was yesterday because of harry to us about him being beat up and I hope that kindy diseases don't come back for him .thought to myself when I made wrok .me and niall walked in hand and hand .up the stairs to my office .where I kissed him and he went to desk and did his wrok why I walked into my office to start my work day but I have a feeling something going to happen in the Er but want just then there was a kock door

Dr mailk come in

Dr mishaud morning Dr mailk how are you doing today I have those test on some of those kids that where in dirve by shooting

Dr mailk thanks Dr mishaud

Dr mishaud your welcome and I want to have you and the other department heads in a meeting in an hour

Dr mailk alright I'll be there chief

Dr mishaud see you then

She then left my office then we hear yelling coming for the 3 floor of the hospital and when I went to see what going Pam came along with me and it was coming form Louis hospital room and. We got there and saw that Louis sister in-law was here and drunk and high and yelling here head off at Louis and I could tell she is so out off it .but I can't do anything because she a woman and she as a gun now .is was about to shoot Louise when .pan got behind her and kock her out

Dr mishaud you OK there Louis and then she smiles that feel good to kock someone out it good way to feel alive

Dr mailk you think boss lady

Dr mishaud ya I do why don't we get the security in here to take this trash away

Dr mailk good idea because she nuts

Dr mishaud so like I asked before are you OK Louis

Louis I'm fine now why do my brother and his wife have to be psychos

Dr mailk wish I could tell you that one mate

Dr mishaud same here mate but it good you have there kids

Louis because those kids need a good life

Dr mailk yes they do mate

Dr mishaud yes now that this little promble is took care of we need we need to get ready for the staff meeting coming up Dr mailk and me or dr shepherd will be back to check on you in a bit it Louis

Louis OK see you guys later

With that me and Dr mishaud left to go and head to the staff meeting and when we got there we had the meeting like ever Monday morning and as we where having the meeting I could tell that Liam was getting sleepy and I had to make him wake
Up before. He miss the hole getting he got thought the meeting but he looked like he need to get some sleep

Dr mailk you OK there Liam mate you look lkie your going to pass out lad

Dr Payne I was up half the night with harry because he was having real bad morning sickness and stuff he was not feeling
To good

Dr mailk I see why don't you try and get a power nap mate

Dr mishaud I don't think you been doing very well yourself Dr Payne when was the last time you had time off you look run down and you should get some rest so like I told Dr mailk and niall last week take 2 days off with pay and don't over do I'll be bye to check on you and harry later perrie can setup your a appointment when you come back you need to take two days rest that's an order

Dr Payne OK boss if that what you want me today I did tell harry to take the next to days off from the Medical Center

Dr mishaud would the two of you take it easy the next two days because if not I'm going to go all b***** on you cuz you're my best friends I've known happen to you

Dr Payne you got it boss lady

And with that Liam when home for the next today because he was just so run down and the Dr mishaud want him to be well rest when he comes back this job can take a lot out of you

Dr mishaud well I'm off to office see you later Dr mailk

Dr mailk see you later Pam and with that she went back to her office and I went to mine office because I had a lot off wrok to do and then I need to my around and see how my patience are doing when I got back to my office I saw that my husband was hard at work as always he's just so cute the way he focuses on job I smile to myself when I saw him hard at work I walked up to him and kissed him

Niall thanks baby I need that kiss love you how was the meeting

Dr mailk it was good up Liam was falling before that and before we had the meeting Dr mishaud had to kock out Louis sister in law because she had a gun on Louis because of the kids there just nut jobs but she was took away now Louis can keep his brother kids safe

Niall ya I bet well lets just hope Louis can get out of here soon

Dr mailk he might up Pam wants to run some more test on him before he gets out of here

Niall ya well you seen hungy it are lunch I'll be back with are food soon sound good

Dr mailk ya that would be good

Niall what you in the mood for this time baby

Dr mailk how about Chinese food

Niall Chinese food it is be right back baby

With that niall let to get the food and I went to my office where I did wrok till be got back to the office and we ate are you food know matter how tired I'm always in enjoyed this part to my day at wrok because I get to have my fun with my husband that I love now and always .me and niall ate are food then we made love on my office like always and he doesn't know what I have plan for are 7 year anniversary going to be special baby you won't know what hit him

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