Medical Emergency A Zaill AU part3

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Niall POV

I woke up to a kocnk on the door .it was Louis he was bit on tips side he sound hungover. I oped the door

Niall .Louis mate come on inside your a mess mate god what up with you

Louis .oh I don't know I'm mess and stuff mate I can get a girlfriend and I have no love life I mean I looked and all of best mates there you and zayn you been together forever since middle school and the there liam and harry mate there good together know matter out much they fight and the Pam aka Dr Mishaud with her husband the only single ones are me and perrie mate

Niall .well your mostly right about that Louis but Pam Dr Mishaud is not with her husband anymore he left her for a man mate

Louis .damn how bilnd is he he left a smoking hot tom boy picea of ass for a man with no ass mate you got anything for a hangover mate

Niall .well let's see my husband a Dr what do you think mate come on in here mate

Louis .thanks mate

Zayn,( .walks in to the kitchen)hay Louis hungover again what did you drink this time mate and (walks up behind Niall and puts is hands round his wasit and kiss is lips) morning baby

Niall .morning baby

Louis .yes I'm houngover again Niall was just getting me something for it mate

Zayn. You need to slow down with beer mate you know that hard on kidney disease you had

Louis .ya had being the word mate

Zayn .ya but it your careful mate it could come back mate

Niall .zayn right mate

Louis .I know but I can't get a girlfriend and stuff the last real girlfriend was eille in high school then she did me dirty mate by sleeping with half the school behind my back mates and oif was not for perrie and Pam catching her I would of be blind to this day mates

Niall .Louis you need to get yourself together mate you need to fine yourself a bird mate when was the last time you had sex mate because sex is healthy thing mate

Louis .I think it was at your and zayn wedding when I had drunk hook up with Pam

Zayn .that was blood 6 years ago and that was before Pam meet her husband that now left her for a man mate

Louis .ya I need to get myaelf some action mates pick up a bird or to mates

Zayn .or more your going to need to have fuck buddy untile you fine a realy girlfriend mate

Louis .oh you mean like me and sohipe where in collage mate

Zayn .ya mate

Just then there a kick at the door I when to get it

Niall .opens the door a perrie come on in gal

Perrie .sure thing how you holding up mate

Niall .good just me and zayn are trying to get Louis some action the last bit of action was that one time him and Pam had a drunken hook up mate

Perrie but that was at your wedding mate damn the lad need it well where he in the kitchen talking to zayn

Niall and perrie walk to the kitchen

Perrie . come on to the gust room with me Louis sexual stress you build up I'm going to hep you have got it in 6 years mate and the last time was Dr Mishaud at zayn and Niall wedding and you both where drunk at the time

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