Medical emergency part 10

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Baby did you just say what I thought you said we're going to be parents of twins damn of course I'm happy I just didn't think my treatment. Would work that good can't believe it but I am the happiest man alive right now. I said and I kiss love you so damn much this is the best thing we can have 4 I mean we have been married for 6 years time to . Start a family don't you think I just can't wait for them to get here. that's it baby as a doctor I'm making sure you eat the right foods. of course you still get your cravings too but I want a healthy balance. and make sure you drink more milk. and you're damn right no alcohol for you until after the 9 months because I do not want anything going wrong. I said to my baby with a smile on my face.

Nail so happy you're happy because this is a big step for us what we've always wanted this haven't me I can't believe it we're about to have a family. and I knew you were going to be back in the school. just something about you he drew me to you. I can't wait to have your babies with you I love you

Dr Mailk baby I love you come here( kisses Niall)

Niall get back to work don't wear yourself out too much be down there in the Er they don't want you overdoing.

Just then there was a knock at my door to my office. it was Pam. just so I can help you with a special one case of a cancer patient down in the ER I told her I'd be right there.

When down to the Er and meet up with DR Pamela Mishaud

.so told me that there was a young man who as prostate cancer broaden

Dr Mailk alright chief what we can do.

Dr Mishaud you seem like you're in a good mood for some reason Malik care to tell me why your so chipper

Dr Malik oh I don't know maybe the treatment you gave me is working and I got my husband pregnant with twins right now

Pam what is the boat I'm happy for you mates

Doctor Malik thanks I'm happy for us too its just me and him have been together since middle school. And I want to give my baby the world I think I'm finally making those dreams come true I knew that my baby was the one that in middle school

Dr Mishaud I could tell when I first met you guys until school you were going to be more than friends I was thinking to myself these guys are having gay bisexual and I was right on the money . On that one Malik

Just when the chief had said that Dr Shepard came over to us. He said I've been doing some more testing on the 14 year old girl then we said that has more than one type of cancer well let's just say she still do have the Leukemia in her brain.

Dr Shepard well I think there's more than the two of those types in her brain because her brain activity is showing more signs of it. I think I might want to do a cat scan and maybe a few more MRI just make sure my diagnosis could be right aHome possibly having more like we said before she is strange and unique case.

Dr Mishaud well that might complicate things let's see if I can help work something into her treatment plan.

Talking to Dr shepherds about some things that might help. and she's got a little dizzy and next thing I knew she wasn't looking too well so I asked her if she was alright. she said she'd be fine it just I have been dizzy and puking these last few days I mean I can't quite pinpoint why I feel this way she said to me .and Dr Shepard

Dr Shepard baby that's not good if you're feeling weak you need to lie down because I'm here if you need me for anything right.

Dr Mishaud yeah that's alright I know that you're here baby Thanks.

Dr Malik I think a maybe should run some tests chief

Dr Shepard I think that dr Malik should run those tests on you baby because you have been puking to 42 hours of and on

Pam ok ok I'll get the test done I will get you guys to take it easy and give me a chance to catch my breath

So later I ran the test to see what was wrong with her. there in an hour and a half later I went to her office to talk to her and you have to tell her Shepherd is well he thinks they're going to be happy. because I have a feeling that Niall on the only one that may be pregnancy. i tap on her office door . she said come in

DR MISHAUD what can i do for you mailk

DR MAILK Well i did those test on you and i don't know how it happen so fast but your peg foe DR shepheard and i know it for him because you have not been with anyone beside him in the last little bit .

DR MISHAUD wow i'm peg that something i did not see coming because last i check i was on the pill because my husband at the time did want them but then i thought about the last we it was the white pills that do anything for you it just set you up for the time of the mount .wow i always want to be a mother but the guys i where with did not want me to be one .but DR Shepheard her did say he would love to have kids someday back in collage to me will i gust that dream of yours is coming thought now baby

DR SHEPHEARD - YES it is baby but want to ask you something pam baby will you marry because i want to be married when the baby comes what do you say baby

DR MISHAUD hell ya yes

it was nice to see the chief happy because she will be good mother and dr shepherad will be a good father i always knew when they both got together in collage they where to be it was like me and NIALL could pick up on the hole group .well now that i'm fish here telling the Chief about her being peg . i need to go and run that test on perrie i hope it all go well it turns out that she is peg for louis .damn it about time the to of them got together .

Medical Emergency - A Ziall AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now