medical emergency part 46

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Zayn POV

As me and I walked into the medical clinic I couldn't really that old man Wilson was out of the game this time he was high but where the hell was he getting the stuff to get high because the last I checked we walked away the morphine we locked away then laughing gas and we walked away the helium stuff so what could be there this time

Dr Mialk nurse you want to tell me what the bloody hell's going on here with old man Wilson

Nurse girl game and we need to get at the morphine so we can tend to her because she was having some severe pain and we were trying to fix everything on her and before the doctor Davison can grab it and put it away again when he was done Amy and Wilson came in and grabbed it and the next thing we knew he was getting f****** high on it again man we don't know what to do with him he's an 86 year old man but man he actually kissed 16 or 17 or 20 even I don't get it I wish I had his energy

Old man Wilson look at me I Can Fly

Dr Mailk bowling Wilson you better be careful up there on that high beam hanging from the rafters you cannot fly you're just too high to notice it what are you going to do this time you're crazy man I'll have to see if you keep hanging on like that it's a long way down from there

Niall he better be very careful because it's such a long way down from there

As I was thinking how in the bloody hell am I going to get him down Pamela I came in and she noticed it too she was like what the f***

Dr Mishaud oh my God what the hell is going on what are you doing this time what the f*** did he get into this time

Dr David he seemed to sneak in when I was in the middle of using morphine on a kid that was an extremely pain cuz when she broke her arm and some stuff in bad positions and the only way to subside the pain was to give her morphine through an IV let's just say the dumbass nervous before I can get her to put it away left the door open and let's just say old man Wilson got in and grabbed it and the first thing as a little girls mouth was oh my God mr. Looney bin is out of the game

Dr Mishaud she called them old mister loony bin that's what I call him let me guess it must have been making because she heard me calling him one day and every time she comes in the first thing she says hopeful man looney bin now coming today

Megan comes out with after being seen to and she said she's feeling a bit better because she fell and hurt her eye doctor Mishaud

Dr Mishaud what did you do this time to hurt your arm

Megan's mother who she was hanging from trees again with her brother being her own tomboy self and all of us in the tree and the branch you all then the next thing you know she is falling and breaking her arm in two places first thing you said she can get what she wanted to see you but they said you wouldn't be in the later on but you got to her and she had to be seen before that so he's seeing the next fever doctor which is dr. David but her favorite doctor out of all of them is dr. Malik over there

Dr Mailk what can I say kids love me

Megan that they do but you know what the reason why I think you're cool and everything is cuz your hot looking ever get you to marry them one day is going to be one lucky person because I don't know if your straight gay or bi but I heard you're one of it I heard you're gay but I don't want to pry

Megan's mother Megan honey you don't have to go out on about stuff like that if he's gay or straight that's his business you don't have to call him out on it that's not right

Megan what all the nurses says he's married to a man who was around the clinic and everything so he's getting all I got to say whoever is married to him straight or gay is one lucky person

Niall well I guess I'm a lucky person because I'm the one that's married to him I'm also his assistant at the hospital and I'm also his assistants sometimes when I'm here and working with him

Megan you mean all the times I've been coming here I did not know that you Niall are his husband

Niall well now you do

Megan's mother come on Megan it's time for us to go have a good day and now you all and you take it easy there niall because I heard you got a bun in the oven

Niall trust me I'm taking it easy and as more than one anyway I got to get back behind that desk and do paperwork and everything and stuff because Harry usually he runs this place the one he can't come and I feel him doing what he can't do as well he's the head nurse but I know the system because I helped set it all up here where I'm a medical assistant

Well then mrs. Morgan left with Megan we had to laugh at how funny that was anyway we went to bed trying to get old man looks like in hand but how are we going to do that cuz he's stuck on the freaking rafters

Dr Mishaud okay I think the safest way for us to get him down when probably just sedate him somehow but we're going to have to figure out how are we going to get up behind him to give him a needle or something without him knowing

Dr Shepherd walks in well we can always have one of us talking to him and going along with whatever you say you are one of us sneak up behind and stick a needle in them but I don't think it should be you because you're pregnant and neither should have been all because he's praying as well neither one of you should be climbing anything high

Dr Mishaud you're definitely right about that one baby anyway so I guess that would have to be Zayn or Liam nurses are somebody on staff

Dr Payne I think I might just be able to get behind him enough to do that because he is distracted enough with one of the nurses talking to him good enough time for me to grab this morphine not morphine but there's other things I will not come out quicker this sedated for a while but then he has to learn he can't be going around doing this s***

As soon as we knew we had him under control and everything on that we called the cops and talk to the cops about everything was going on with all men will some lately and this keeps up I think he's going to have to be locked up in a padded room or something because man we don't know what to do about the poor man

Scotland Yard officer so you mean to tell me that old man Wilson been getting high again and everything in that but this time you started hanging from the rafters I think you're absolutely right when you said that he need to be locked up for his own safety and me the man can get stream Lee hurt well I'll take him and put him in a Cell for the night and everything when he said it but I will figure it out if he should be locked up in a mental institution or he can go in a normal cell

Dr Mishaud where I can doing test and everything on them so I can honestly tell you he's sick he should be in an institution or something like that I mean throwing him in jail is not going to help him because it's not because he's doing this because he wants to he's doing this because I think he's getting a really bad case of Dementia or something which is worse than Alzheimer's so yeah I think we're going to have to do something for the poor old man because no offense he's a good guy and everything but I got a feeling he's going to lose it one day and extremely hurt himself if not someone else

Scotland Yard officer okay now I think what will do is will take him to the hospital and everything on that and we'll talk to someone there to set it up to put him in there right away I was just don't know how we're going to get a rush on it or anything though because of her just to get ahead of any Department in that place too get a rush on things unless you're lucky enough to get hold of the head of Staff but I don't even know who the head of staff is

Dr Mishaud well you're having to be in luck because the head of the staff as me so I'll call ahead and get a rush to put on it and get him in there safely because I've got a feeling that he is a danger to himself and everybody else if he stays on this but he's Street

And with that Pam want to make a few calls for us to get him under control the next thing I know we're back to do in a normal day here at the clinic but they're still always some funny crazy little hijinks ago was on like one guy came in from doing a clown act and got one of his clown she was practically glued to his foot because of some kids and then we have to get it off without hurting his foot or having to cut it off just lovely this is just a crazy day when you're doing stuff like this small world at this medical clinic don't you think but then again I wouldn't trade it any other way no matter how small or big a medical emergency maybe anyway it's time for me to head home with baby because we had a long day

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