Medical emergency part 21

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Dr mailk POV
After we were all done at the medical center we all packed up our stuff and headed home it was a long day at both the Medical Center in the hospital I was blushed I don't know how long it took us to catch old man willans and that drunk woman this time .I locked away the laughing gas I hope he doesn't find somebody else to get into sometimes I don't know what to do with that man. Niall hand and hand to the car and got in we where so beat that we when home I need a nap

Niall baby you look beat now that where home way don't you good lay down baby you need it because you been on your feet a day and it took a lot out of you

Zayn OK your right baby after along day like that you need to rest and know that if I did have you I don't I make thought my day kiss Niall

Niall kiss baby love you baby how about I run us a nice bath

Zayn that will be geart baby I need that because I'm feel so Overwhelmed

Niall OK baby ill do that know and take care of you for a bit you can us baby you need it

Zayn thank you baby I love you

Niall I love you more now and always you do know are 7th anniversary is coming up

Zayn I know all about that baby and I can't wait for because I'm taking you somewhere for it and stuff

Niall you also go all out when it comes to that

Zayn well your my baby and I got to show you how much I love you and will never change

Niall your to good too me baby I love you so much

Zayn right back at you baby I love you baby

Niall I love you too come on let's get that bath

Meanwhile with Louis at the Sport bar

Louis POV

Was mix some drinks when my half brother came in to the sport bar drunk and high out of his mind trying hit me and yelling at me that he wants his kids back up I told him that he did not give f*** about his kids and there safer with me because at least I can put a food on the table and close on there backs and what else they need .so I jump out of the way before he could hit I gave him a black eye and then he hit me in the stomach and I keel over from the puch he them pick me up and was about to puch when Liam came In with harry and pull him off me then it all when black . Liam told one of my pople that wrok for me to take him and sit him down and get the cops down here so they did .

Liam Louis mate let me get a look at you I think you might have a few broken ribs there lad your going to need to be looked at the hospital mate because you do look to good you need to get someone to stay here and look after the bar for you why your gone

Louise Dan look after the bar why I'm gone will you mate

Dan will do boss man

Louis thanks

And Liam and harry took me to the hospital why the cops took the dick head of my brother away f****** a****** comes in the my bar and trying to bet the f****** s*** out of me so I'll let him beat his kids know f****** way am I going to let that happen to my kids because I may be just there unlce but I love them as my own. I just hope I'm not to bad when I get to the hospital this just sucks

Liam alright we got you here now Louis

Harry yay we got you bubby

Harry and Liam help me inside once they got me there Dr Shepard came around the corner and asked what the hell happened

Dr Shepard what happened to you Louis

Louis my half brother came in drunk and high and tryed to beat the f****** s*** out of me big time Liam Harry think I have a couple broken ribs is not good I agree and it could be more

Dr Shepard well Liam just got off I'll come and take a look at you

Louis thanks

Dr shepherds pov

I ran some test on Louis to see how badly beaten he was when I ran the test its size that his ribs were definitely broken and they're going to need to be tape backup also he got punched in the kidney so I better make sure they don't trigger his kidney disease again. his brother is such an ass to put him through this anyway I also checked his wrist seems he's broken his left wrist bad enough that he had a broken ankle

Dr Shepard well Louis you do have broken ribs and your left werst his also broken and that going to need to be fix and I always need to check because he kick and punh you in your kindy and you might get your kindy diseases back because of this so I pray and hope it doesn't but I need to check your louky Liam and harry show up when they did or you could be why in over your head there mate

Just then my baby came in the er to see what going on

Dr mishaud what happened to you Louis

Louis my step brother came in the bar and beat the shit out of me know my kindy diseases might come back because of it and I have broken ribs and stuff

Dr mishaud well let me run some tests to she if there anything that could have do with your kindy diseases and stuff

Dr Shepard yay I was just going to call you and see if you can do that for him baby

Dr mishaud well I'll do that right now and I think we should keep you over night Louis and see how you are in the morning is perrie with the kids right now

Louis yes

Harry I'm going to call her and tell her the hole stroy for you all right

Louis thanks and let zayn and niall know so they can check in on the kids and perrie for me

Harry will do

Harry POV

I called perrie and told her what going on with Luis because of his brother she said okay that you could watch the children till he got home the next day and she hopes he is ok because you love me so much. And then I called zayn and niall and told them what happened to Lobecause there they said they will help perrie with the kids if she needs it and they thank me for telling them

Niall POV

After me and zayn had are bath we had a call from harry about Louis so I when a cross the road to Louis place to see if perrie need a hand with the kids

Niall hay perrie do you need help with the kids why Louis is being kept over night at the hospital

Perrie I got the girls down but I'm finding it hard to get Matt down for the night

Niall maybe he needs some guy talk before he goes to bed I may be gay but I'm still a guy so I'll talk to him

Perrie thanks niall

Niall hay Matt how come you would go to bed mate

Matt because I don't want dad or mom coming here and try something on my sisters

Niall well they can't get in because there cops outside and me and zayn are a cross the road it need be so I think you should get some sleep there mate

Matt OK your right niall thanks I'm of to bed and it good to know that you and zayn are a cross the road

With that I when back home to zayn and told I had to help perrie get Matt to go to bed he need some guy talk I said

Zayn well now that we know the kids are OK and Louis why he in the hospital we can now get some sleep to kiss Niall night my love you need we have a busy day tomorrow at the hospital and I don't want you over doing it your peg so good night baby

Niall good night my love

Medical Emergency - A Ziall AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now