Medical Emergency A Zaill AU Part 4

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Zayn POV

The next day I'm sitting in my office and I'm going over some xrays and I'm getting sleepy because I have been here all day and night because I'm the head of the ER now and last night we had a 6 car cash and thank got everyone in the cash will live it just we need a lot of Dr on hand last night evn Dr Mishaud herself stay . that how bad it was.just then there was a kock at my office door

DrMailk . come in

Niall .hay baby thought you could us a cup off coffee and something to eat you been her all day and night you must be running on half empty or empty now baby you need to eat to help you get back some engine baby

Zayn .thank you baby you also now what I need love you for it

Niall .what are husband for you need anything elase baby

Zayn .ya I could us a shower and a nap but I need to get though this stuff I'm the head Er so I need get thought this stuff

Niall .baby I know you want to get thought your work load and I no you can always hand it most of the time but sometimes young going to over do and you need to take it easy sometimes

Zayn .OK I'll eat the food you came in here with and dirnk my coffee and get in hour or tow nap and then back to getting this done

Just there I lock at my office door Niall opens it up and it Dr Mishaud

Dr Mishaud . Dr Mailk I was checking thought how meay Dr have been helping with the 6 car cash we had last night and when I check it come to be about 72 hours you been here mailk I'll take care of what your doing there I think you should take the next 2 off just rest up and it will be with pay because you don't. Use your sick days and right now you need to rest

Dr Mailk .OK boss because I'm beat

Dr Mishaud .you better let Niall drive then because where you did not get much sleep

With that she left my office

Niall .come on baby you hear Dr Mishaud said the next to days off because you need your rest

Zayn .your right I need my rest and I don't.take days of before we head home thought you want to stop somewhere for breakfast baby

Niall .sure baby we can stop off for breakfast some place

Zayn .good

With that we got into my car Niall driving because I was to tired don't the way we stop at the diver thought to a in and out brougher place and go some of these breakfast delas and head for home .when we got there I was a sleep in the hummer so Niall at to wake me up

Niall baby wake up come on where home

Zayn .OK baby lets go inside

We got inside and ate are food Niall then carried me to bed and cover me up and kiss my head got it hard to believe that after 6 years of married where still this happy and I would not have it a any other way .I have the best friends in my friend gourp sinen we all been kids around middle school age there liam and harry who are together still and have not tie the not but liam did tell harry that when he ready he will put a ring on it .and then Pam aka Dr Mishaud my boss who husband off 3 years left here for a man he was a knew Dr at the hositptal turns out he bi he did love Pam but it meet this cute male nures well you get the pictures and now finally Louis perrie which only took him ten year or more to see that she like him back .he the only one of us that don't work in the medical field he own as sports bar just down the road from the hospital that we work at I'm just saying my life is good but still can,t get over the fact that Louis and Pam had that drunken hook up at mine and Niall wedding party. Then end back at Louis then that night it was funny when me and Niall got back from are honeymoon Pam and Luis had told us everything she was so embarrassed just then Niall walk in to the bedroom to see how I was doing and took me out of my thoughts

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