Chapter Thirty Five

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Illiressa's POV-

I am exhausted. Not that I'm tiered, but I feel physically broken down. Honestly, my butt hurts for sitting on this horse for the longest time. It's been a month since I left Rivendell. And I have no idea where I am. Show me a sign, father. Anything.

Suddenly, my riding horse rears up onto its back legs, and throws me off. Right off of a cliff. I let out a scream of disbelief, and flat my arms, trying to reach our for a tree root. I grab on to one, with one hand. My hand gets sweaty. Oh come on! Then the branch starts to creak from the dirt that it was buried in. Oh no. I'm about a hundred meters away from the water below me, and then the branch breaks. I start to scream again. My cries echo against the cliff walls. I'm going to die. My face hits the water first. I let out a gasp as pain shoots through my face, and I inhale a big gulp of water. Then I feel a sharp pain in my head, as a rock gashes into my forehead. I start to feel dizzy, the sound of water rushing around me is booming, and my world goes black.

I wake up, coughing. My back is against the ground. I must have washed up on to the ground. I throw up some water. I wipe my mouth, and look to my right. A man lies also on the shore, his eyes closed. Holy moly. Is that who I think it is?!

Alianna's POV-

Legolas and I lie on the grassy hill, looking up at the star. His hand is entwined in mine. Somehow I feel much better after hanging out with him the whole day, after my knife throwing. We had an archery contest, and I won. I can't believe it! I beat Legolas, for once! That has never happened in my life. He squeezes my hand, and points to the night sky.

"Look," he whispers. "A shooting star!" He lets out a shaky breath. "Make a wish, Alianna!"

I close my eyes, squeezing onto Legolas' hand, and start to make my wish. I want the Fellowship to be reunited soon. I miss everyone. Especially Aragorn. I wish Aragorn was never dead, and that he can just come back. And then I could tell him how much I love him. I can give him my pendant, to show that no matter what scenario occurs, we can accept our fate, together.


I wish that I could find someone to love, that is defiantly not Nahriel. She's annoying. I want someone who is kind, and considerate. Someone who will help me through hard times, and let me care for them when they are unwell. I also wish that my mother would guide me to the right path.

Alianna's POV

"So, what did you wish for?"

"Can't say, or it won't become true. "

"Mine is very important to me."

"Me too." Legolas replies, and we continue to look at the stars.


Hey guys. I decided to update early! Comment comment comment! And recommend! OK, tell me any mistakes you saw! OK bai!


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