Chapter Eighteen

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I am warning you all. this is going to be super short.... i also need scenes. so do me a favor and pm me. song above is lost in the echo by linkin park. floralightwolf loves this song. 

I sit with Legolas, who looks at me sympathetically. "He took it the wrong way, huh? I will convince him to love you." 

"Oh shut up, matchmaker. He hates me." I say sadly. Legolas chuckles. 

"I'm only trying to help you. Now, I want you to go, and pretend to fall off a cliff. You see this small one? Just walk down, and pretend to be dead. If he truly loves you, he will go after you. Hurry, before he comes for you!"

I jump up, and quickly make my way down the small cliff. Then, I cover my face in red dirt. I make my limbs go out in all directions. "HELP. ARAGORN HELP!" Legolas screams for Aragorn, who I can hear running  towards Legolas. 

"Whats going on? Why isnt Alianna with you?!" Legolas starts to speak in a panicked tone. 

"She was heartbroken, and when she left you, she jumped off the cliff!" Legolas starts to cry. Good job Mellon. 

"WHAT?!" Aragorn cries out, and I hear his footsteps come towards me. He lets out another cry. This time out of panic. He must have seen me. I feel him grab my body, and I let myself go limp in his arms. I feel him drop me on the ground. I feel him place his hand on my chest. He is going to preform CPR. 

"WAIT!" Legolas yells. Thank God. I might have really gotten hurt. 

"What?" Aragorn says, stopping for a second. "She is dead!" He checks my pulse. "Se-" he stops and must have stared at Legolas. "You dirty bastard." He found out. 

" Woah! We were just kidding!" I jump up, and get in front of Legolas. Aragorn looks at me, no emotion in him whatsoever. 

"You are such a bitch." I suck in a breath. 

"At least I am not dead!" I say as cheerfully as possible. I am seriously in deep waters right now. 

"You should be!" Aragorn yells at me. "I thought you were actually harmed!"

"Well, you hurt my feelings by calling me a bitch!" I yell back. "If you actually cared, then you wouldn't hurt me with your words!"

"WELL MAYBE BEING PHYSICAL WILL BRING YOU OUT OF YOUR CRAZY THOUGHTS!" with that he does something so uncalled for. He slaps me in the face. I recoil, and shrink away. I take one look at him, and run. To the shelter. What a jerk he can be. 


I lay down, under a tree. It is night. I am wide awake. But soon, I am so tiered, that I give in. I close my eyes, and let sleep drown today's events. 

Someone was going to die. 

I wake up, shaking. "Hey, are you okay?" a voice whispers. I squint my eyes, to see Aragorn watching me. 

"Why would you care?" I whisper back. 

"Can I talk to you? Somewhere quiet?" 

"We are somewhere quiet. Shoot away." Aragorn sighs. 

"I mean, somewhere away from here. Come on. I'll take you." I don't know if I should trust him. But, I get up as quietly as possible, and follow him. He takes me to a small pond. The moon reflects off the water. 

"So why do you bring me here?" I tap my foot on the ground, and fold my hands over my chest. It is cold. 

"I wanted to tell you I'm sorry. For calling you what I did. For being a jerk." 

"Is that all?" I ask, agitated. 

"Yes." is all he says. I turn around, and start to walk back. But, as I do so, he grabs onto my wrist, and pulls me towards him. "There is more."

"But you sai-" He cuts me off, by putting a finger to my lips, and drawing me close to him. 

"I was wrong. I have more to say. I did not want you to hate me. In fact, I have felt close towards you, ever since we have started the journey. I wanted to confirm my feelings for you back in Lorien, but then you said that you were engaged. I like you, Alianna. I like you a lot. " 

I try and protest, but he presses his forehead against mine. "Aragorn I-" He cuts me off, by taking my face in his hands, and kissing me. I immediately shut up, and melt into it. I kiss him back, and wrap my arms around his neck. He places one hand around my neck, and one on my back.I smile into the kiss. We pull away, gasping for breath. I stare at him, through the moonlight. He looks so youthful. 

"We should head back. What if someone wakes up?" 

"You are right. We have to go now." 

We walk together, and when we reach the shelter, I get into my sleeping spot. I pat the empty spot, and he snuggles up against me. He kisses my forehead, and close my eyes, and go to sleep. 

This has been inspired by Star Wars. It is so emotional. I am also writing this other thing for this other book I am writing. I have not published it yet... the scene I am writing in that one, is hell of a lot more emotional than this one... I hope you liked the update... bc  I wont be writing for a while... unless someone PM's me, and gives me the scenes for The Two Towers.. bc I dont know them. Merry Christmas Everybody!!!

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