Chapter Thirty Three

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Song above is This is War by Thirty Seconds to Mars Oml... This is a perfect song for this chapter. Also. I might get this scene messed up... But it's the scene where Aragorn you know.... "Dies" sob. Sob. SOB. Like the banner I made?! Give my chapter a vote! Lets get fourty votes aaaye?

Alianna's POV-

There are Orcs everywhere. Legolas and I are side by side. He draws his bow, knocks in an arrow, and fires.

I here a yelp, and then I see Wargs come charging up the hill. Legolas and I shoot as many as possible. I shot one in the knee, and it goes down. The Orc gets its face smashed in the dirt. Then I shoot an arrow in its neck.

By now, there are too many Orcs for me to get by myself. All the riders start attacking too. Together, we work together. That's how we role.

Nahrel's POV-


Illiressa gets up, and hangs her head. Good. She deserves pain. Nobody likes her anyways. She's not meant to be in this world. Guys just aren't her thing.

I watch her stomp out of the bedroom I was in, and walk out the door. "Missy, where do you think you're going?!" I yell.

"I'm going to change out of these clothes..."

Illiressa's POV-

I storm out of Nahrel's room, so angry. Honestly, I hate her. She's so bratty. Why did I ever think I could be her friend?

And the rumors she spread about me. Not able to love a boy? Honestly, she's a joke. I feel TEARS coming to my eyes. I was crying for no damn apparent reason. I love one guy, but he never even took interest in me. He's from... Mirkwood. Ugh. I would never stand a chance. Unless.... I go try and find out where the fellowship is, and then I can go see Legolas, and show him I am worthy of his love. That'll prove Nahrel wrong.

I undress from the salmon pink dress, and slip on some leggings and a green blouse. Then i put on my lucky silver ring from my father, who died when I was only an elfling. I would need all the luck I can get.

Aragorn's POV-

I slam my sword against an Orc's head, and it tries stabbing me. Pfft. It thought. I'm too skilled. I slash out at the Orc, and it rolls off the Warg it was riding.

My foot was caught in the Warg's saddle thingy. I tried to cut myself out, but it didn't work. Ugh, I was an idiot. All of a sudden, I turn to see Alianna running straight towards me.

Alianna's POV-

I race towards Aragorn. I grab onto his leg, and I'm suddenly on the ground, being dragged across the grassy land. The rocks bump against my chest, and I cringe.

"Aragorn, you have to get out, you idiot!" I scream.

"In case you haven't realized, I'm trying to do that!" He yells back. "Let go, Alianna!"

"Never!" I yell back.

"You are so stubborn!" He yells, trying to slash at the saddle that has secured his leg to the Warg.

"I'm not leaving you! I lost you once, I won't lose you again!" Then I look up to see the edge of the cliff that the Warg was barreling to. "Aragorn, hurry!"

"Alianna, let. Go. NOW!" He yells at me.

"I'm going down with you!" We are so close to the cliff now. Only few meters away.

"Alianna. I want you to let go. Do it for me. I saved you that night, so many years back. In your village, where your parents were murdered. I was the boy who saved you. Now let go!" And in the shock of it all, I do. My fingers leg go of his leg, and I let out a scream, as the Warg jumps off the cliff.

"NO!!" I scream.

"I LOVE YOU ALIANNA!" he yells as he tumbles to his death. Then, I hear a splash of water, and then a squeal. I let out a sob.

I look over the edge. All I see is water. He's dead. I start to cry. He loves me. And the few days I was with him are now gone. He's dead. He saved me so many times, and I could never return the favor. I was a stubborn idiot, who couldn't even be loyal to friends.

The battle has come to an end. Orc corpses are scattered everywhere. Legolas and Gimli call for their leader.

"ARAGORN!" Gimli yells as loudly as possible. His voice echos. Everyone is silent. I watch as Legolas and Gimli fide off to the cliff where Aragorn fell.
The Orc that Aragorn had stabbed, is laughing evily.

"Tell us where he is!" Gimli says gruffly.

"He's dead!"

"You lie!" Legolas snarls, bringing his hands around the Orc's neck, and shames it.

"Not lying. It's true. The lass let him die." I step forward. And let out a sob.

"I was about to save him, when I let go. It's true. He's... DEAD!" I let out a heart wrenching wail.

The Orc let's out a choked laugh, before he starts hacking and gagging on his own blood. Gimli sticks his axe through its head, and it dies. Legolas picks up a pendant from the dead Orc's hand. I let out a gasp.

(OK.. This part I totally made up. Bare with meh)

"That's my mother's pendant... He must have taken it when he saved me.."

"Saved you?" Legolas questions. I sit down on a rock, and hold my head in my hands.

"Yes.", I sigh. " He saved me when I was an elfling. Before Lord Elrond adopted me. I lived in a small village in Lothlorien, and there was an attack. Orcs and Uruks came, and surrounded us. I ran into the cellar, and my parents were murdered in our house. I was found, and Aragorn startled the Orcs that held me captive, away.", I pause, and groan. "Why did I not figure this out before?! His eyes, his face, were the same! I should have seen it coming! I should have never let go!" A few tears fall onto my hand, and Legolas squeezes my shoulder. Gimli pats my head.

"Lass, you did what you could.. And that's what counts right now..."

"Yeah, Alianna, he loved you, and you loved him. That matters most. Besides... He saved you. If he hadn't, I may never have met you. We would have never been friends. "

"RIDE ON. WE LEAVE THE DEAD!" Theoden calls. I get up, and wipe my tears.

I Pat Hilya on the head, and kiss her. I swing my leg over, and sit down. Legolas and Gimli are right next to me on their horse. Sometimes, when life is tough, you just need to ride on..


Ooooh double update!!! I have been planning this chapter for four months now! I hope you like it! I have to wake up early tomorrow, and I am writing this really late... So please vote, comment, and recommend ... Itll make me really happy! Tell me what you felt through the comments! Did you know from the start that Aragorn saved Alianna, or did you just figure out? LET ME KNOW!!!



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