Chapter Twenty Five

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(Author's note is in the the end) >~<

Faryin's POV-

Hello world, this is Faryin speaking. Today is the worst day ever. Oh, you don't know? So let me tell you. It goes like-

"Faryin, do you smell anything strange about this place?" Alianna's voice breaks me out of my childish thoughts.

"Nope." I look up, and nearly stumble into a tree. I catch myself from tripping over and falling. "Alianna, can we rest? We haven't slept in a long time!" I whine like a little child sometimes.

"Ok fine... But please, we need to do night watch.."

"I call dibs on not being the one to do it!" I laugh. She frowns." Nope nope nope! You have to take night watch, Alianna! You were the one who slept for two months! "

"Fine... You win on this one. But, tomorrow, you're gonna do night watch!"

"Right-o. " I stick my hand out, and we shake on it.

"Deal. Now, we need to get some rest. " I look around, and I spot a small burrow in the dirt.

"Lookie over heeeere!" I call out, pointing to the 'shelter'.

"Hey, that seems reasonable for the night." She pats me on the shoulder. I smile, and lie down.

"Good night Alianna. Enjoy your time of being bored out of your mind!"

I close my eyes, and fall asleep.


Still Faryin's Pov:

They say time is supposed to heal you, but I haven't done much healing. ( I actually don't like Hello, by Adele. They play it like, every second of the day.. On the radio.)

I watch as Laxian and Damion run around, chasing each other. I stood on the roof, a dangerous act, watching children play together. I let go of the small ledge I was holding onto for balance, and I teeter to the left. I let out a shriek, and my foot slips. I fall down, straight into the river. I feel all the air being knocked out of me, and my older brothers yelling for my mother, who was tending to the garden in our small cottage.

Apperently she dropped everything she had, and ran to get me out of the river. Just like she ran away with my father, after they were abused by Orcs.

I will never forget that day. She had so much love in her. She was happy. Everyone in town was happy. Then she disappeared. She left mysteriously, and my life was broken from there.

She came back months later, with a bruised body. She was black and blue all over. Her beautiful eyes which once had so much warmth to them, were dull. She looked dead inside and out. And I only remember the nightmares she had would bring her more pain.

She woke up, screaming. I tried to comfort her. "Nana, its okay. Everything is okay." She looks up from her pillow, looking at me wildly.

"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING." she screams at me, grabbing my face with her sharp nails, and shakes my face. "I HAD TO GO THROUGH SO MUCH, YOU WORTHLESS CHILD."

I feel tears come to my eyes. She was right. I was a terrible child.

I run back to the bedroom where I sleep. I flop down in bed, and weep. Weep for my mother, and for my father. He still hasn't come back. I wonder where he is.

Maybe he passed. That would be good. Then he wouldn't have to suffer any more pain.


He was dead. She was dead. My parents had passed to a different land. I wipe away my tears. I wipe the blood off my sword. ( 😿🙀)

I killed them. I was a monster.


The whole town was out to find me. They knew I killed my parents. So I ran. Ran far away. Somewhere I could be safe. Safe from the memories that haunt me. I find a tree, and climb up. I would be safe here.

(Present time)

"Faryin." I hear Alianna whisper. I still have my eyes closed.

"Faryin." She says, more commanding this time.I open my eyes. She looks at me, concerned.

"What?" I speak way too harshly. She looks taken back. "I'm sorry.. What's wrong?" I ask.

"You're upset." She says simply. I feel a lump rise in my throat.

"How? You don't know." She places a hand on my shoulder.

"You're crying." She wipes a few tears that escape from my eyes. "What's up?"

"Nothing..I just remembered something that happened to me as a child. It's nothing. I'll take next watch If you want."

"Oh ok then. If you don't want to talk about it, I'm OK with that. Just, don't feel sad about it. You have me. " she lies down, and I start to take night watch.


You see? I can write when I am sick. I'm dying over here, and writing. Also, I might update either today... Or next Friday. I am going to make a schedule for myself. So, I will update Friday or Saturday. These are most of my free days

Otherwise, I have a ton of homework to do before Tuesday

and I havent even started

So be glad that I even decided to update today. XD. it's OK, tho. I can do it today.. Ha-ha, today's SHOUTOUT goes to... drumroll please...

Melina_Greenleaf !!! Um, we can be sick buddies! Yay! Not. I hope we both get better soon. Also if any one of you find something like a mistake or something odd.. Then tell me in the comments!!

Ok bye guys!


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