Chapter Thirty Four

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Alianna in Mordor-

Gollum leads us closer and closer to Mount Doom. And the longer I stay near him, the more creeped out I am by him.

Sam trudges behind me, his feet shuffling on the uneven ground.
"How are the others?" He suddenly asks.

"Others, what others?" I ask, before realizing what he meant. "Oh... The Fellowship... Um, it kind of broke when you and Frodo left. Boromir died, and Pippin and Merry where taken away by Uruks. I have no idea if they are dead or alive. Um... I left the fellowship, and came here. Gimli and Legolas are still okay.."

"And what about Aragorn?"

"He did not make it.... He fell off a cliff." I choke back a sob, before crying out,"and it's ALL my fault!"

Alianna in Rohan:

I throw my knife at a target. It misses. I sniffle, and throw another. It misses again. "Why can't I ever get this right?!" I yell. Gosh, I was so angry. Angry at Aragorn for making me let go. Angry at him for telling me now, that I was saved by him. I was so mad at him for keeping this away from me. And now he's gone, and I can't even say thanks. Honestly, sometimes a hate his guts. But only because he cares about me, and I can never give him equal amount of care and affection, like he does.

"I feel you're beating yourself up for something you didn't even do." Legolas comes up behind me, and rests a hand on my shoulder.

"How can I not beat myself up, when I'm the one who let him go?" I choke back on a sob.

"Hey, don't cry. Everything will be alright." He runs a hand through my hair. "Don't worry, whatever happens next, I'll always be here for you."

"Thank you Legolas. Im very grateful for you "

"No problem, Mellon. Besides, I still know what your favorite color is."

"Tell me then."




"I changed it."



"What is it then?"



"I'm sorry, Legolas. I love making fun of you. You are too gullible."

" always seem to get me."


Hey guys

Sorry for that very short chapter. I am trying to make this book a little longer. Um... Today I took one exam, and I am now very anxious. I will not updating, until maybe a few weeks from now.

BC I have a few exams left to take. Anyways, comment! I WANNA know what you think about the chapter!

Love you all,


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