Chapter Nine

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Guys. One word. AMAZING. THIS COVER IS DA BAE. I'm using it as a banner tho. Todays SHOUT OUT goes to... Drumroll please... @OverTheRainbow204

This I tell you... I woke this morning, and saw it: my day was made. Thanks so much for doing this. I'm going to try and update asap. But school and my writing contest. I've already gotten the prolouge and chapter one typed on my computer. Of course I didn't type all of. Simple copy paste. I will edit and revise.. Bc I think my library teacher will be reading that book. Also I am gonna use my old cover for Astray Hearts Found. It takes place in Seaside Oregon. OOOH I CANT WAIT. I hope my dad has enough ink in our printer. Lol moving on to the STORY ...

As we approach the exterior of Moria, Gimli gasps. "The walls...of Moria."

As we draw closer, Frodo's foot slips into the edge of the water, and he gasps. The company follows Gandalf in silence, and he moves up to a smooth place in the mountain stone. Brushing his hand over its surface, he mutters to himself, "Well, let's see...Ithildin. It mirrors only starlight and moonlight." He turns, and the clouds part to reveal a full moon. The moonlight shines on the stone, and the door glows with a white design to outline it. The company stares at it in wonder.

Gandalf says, "It reads, 'The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter.'"

"What do you suppose that means?" Merry pipes up.

"Well, it's quite simple," Gandalf replied. "If you are a friend, you speak the password, and the doors will open." He placed the end of his staff to the door and began speaking incantations, but the door remained motionless.

Gandalf continued attempting different phrases, meanwhile, Aragorn and Sam were standing by Bill. "Mines are no place for a pony," Aragorn said. "Even one so brave as Bill."

Sadly, Sam said, "Bye-bye, Bill." Poor Sam. He really is attached to that horse!

Aragorn pulls off Bill's halter and said, "Go on, Bill. Go on." Bill turned and began walking away, and Aragorn added, "Don't worry, Sam. He knows the way home."

As we waited, Merry and Pippin began throwing stones into the water. Aragorn caught Pippin's arm and said in a serious tone, "Do not disturb the water."

Gandalf threw down his staff in disgust. "Oh, it's useless." And he sat down beside Frodo.

The water ripples ominously.

Suddenly Frodo stands up. "It's a riddle," he murmured. "Speak 'friend' and enter. ...What's the Elvish word for 'friend'?" Finally, we can go now!

Gandalf answers, "Mellon."

The heavy stone doors creak open.

"Oh!" Gandalf chuckles, and those who have been sitting, stand. And Gandalf leads the company inside.

Gimli speaks up. "Soon, Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves. Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone!" As Gandalf lights the stone at the end of his staff, Gimli continues. "This, my friend, is the home of my cousin Balin. And they call it a mine. A mine!" His voice echoes through the cave. My stomach growls wildly. Oh shut up.

"This is no mine," Boromir says. "It's a tomb."

The hobbits gasp and look down, finding a dwarf body at their feet. Looking around, the company sees a multitude of decaying bodies-mostly dwarves.

Gimli begins to bellow "No!..."

Legolas jerks an arrow from one of the bodies and examines the arrowhead. "Goblins!" he exclaims with disgust. I wrinkle my nose. Someone has been here before us.

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