Chapter Twenty Eight

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Look who's back.... For now ..

I sit cross legged on the white cot. A man with long, Black hair, and grey green eyes, walks towards me, with a chicken leg in his hand. My mouth waters, and I get up, and walk up to him. "Can I have that?" He looks startled.

"What, this?" He points to the tasty looking chicken.

"Yes, that. I'm starving. I haven't eaten in awhile." He nods.

"I'm kind of hungry too, but if you want, I could get you some. By the way, my name is Duryn. What's yours?"

I did not trust this man, entirely, yet. So I decided to give myself a fake name. "My name is Cithien Aranel. It is a pleasure to meet you. Now, can I have some food?" He jokingly pushes my shoulder, and chuckles.

"You can't seem to wait, huh? Why don't we dine together at the feast tonight? I heard it was going to be amazing."

"Really? When is it?" I ask.

"In an hour. I have to go work, and then I'm going to go."

"What do you do for work?" I bound up to him, as he picks up stride. We walk on the small cobblestone path, and outside. The grass is lush green, and there are drops of dew.

on them.

"I work in the armory."

"Sounds like fun!" I grin.

"Not really. It is very grueling. It is too hard."

"Oh really?" I ponder.

"Yeah, too hard for a Miss like you." I glare.

"So you don't think I'm capable?"

"I'll challenge you if you think you're so good!" He sticks out his hand. I punch his shoulder.

"You're on." I grin, and we run to the armory.


Duryin and I shine all the armor in the city. It is tough work, but it gives me a piece of mind after everything that has happened to me. I wonder where Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas are? And Merry and Pippin? Did Sam and Frodo get into Mordor?

Oh poor Merry and Pippin. I smile sadly. I remember the day in Lorien. I remember taking a tumble down the stairs, and falling into Legolas. "It's time for dinner." Duryin interrupts my thoughts. He puts down a chest plate.

"Dinner?" I question. The sun hadn't even set yet.

"Yes, we have dinner early, and relax for the rest of the evening."

"Sounds like fun!" I exclaim. "I'll go get ready then!"

"OK!" Duryin gets up, and we leave.


I feel the corset tighten around me, and I groan. "Agh, why is this so tight?"

Eowyn, neice of Theoden(I think that's how you spell it?? Correct me if I am wrong), chuckles.

"It's to make you look really thin, and give you good posture."

"But I can't breathe!" I retort angrily, shifting around.

"Just wear it for tonight... Gosh. You don't have to be so angry. "

"Fine," I huff angrily, and cross my arms over my chest. "If I die, it's all your fault. Not mine."


Um guys, I want to interrupt right now. I have no idea if I am getting the scene right, so please don't get mad at me if I make a mistake. I watched LotR two years ago.. And don't remember everything that happened.. So ya. Continuing on...

I place a chicken leg on my plate, earning a few stares from all the humans. (XD) "IM PART DWARF. " I yell so suddenly, that everyone jumps. "Sorry," I whisper. "I'm part dwarf." They all nod their heads, and go back to eating.

I dig into the meat. Mmmmm, I moan, biting into the chicken leg again. Duryin looks over at me, and suppresses a smile.

"Ceryian really likes her meat!" Duryin shouts.

"It's Cithien.... " I grumble. (Btw, I looked up alianna's human name, and I got Cithien... Fun fact for ya.)

"What's that lass?" A grumpy old man mutters under his breath.

"CITHIEN. NOT CERYIAN." I shout. "Clean your dirty ears!" Oops. That did not mean to come out.

"What did you say to me?" The man seethes.

"I said-uh- what lovely- uhhh- EARS you- um..- Have!!?"

"You did not!! I heard you!" He picks up a steak knife, and threatens to throw it at my forehead.

"Well jeez... I thought I would have a warm welcome. Not some hooligan trying to throw a knife at me!" He growls and throws it at me. I duck. The knife sticks itself into the wall above my head, and starts to vibrate. I tug it out of the wall, and chuckle. "You have to do better than that, old man!" I receive a few chuckles from the others.

The man picks up a carrot, and throws it at me. I grab it, and snap it in half, throwing it back to him. He catches it, and throws it back at me.
"OHH, CARROT FIGHT!" I yell. Some kids cheer, and throw carrots at each other.

I pick up a bread roll, and throw it to Duryin, who isn't fast enough, and gets hit in the face. I burst out laughing, and he grumbles, before taking a bite out of it. The old man brings a fork go my throat, and I smile. "Stab me then. " I declare.

He digs the fork into my throat, and I yell, before kicking him where the sun definitely does not shine. He screams, and let's go of me, and I kick his legs, making him fall to the ground. "Don't ever try to stab me again, " I smirk.

"I wont." He gasps, and rolls over on the ground. "Ooh.... I don't like you.... That HURT."

"Sorry, I was just protecting myself." I get up, and walk out with a grin. "Who thought that was awesome?!" I yell at everyone gathered around.

"WE DID!" They all scream, before lifting me up onto their shoulders. We head out to a pub to celebrate the night.

Tell me if you enjoyed that chapter, in the comments below!! I want to hear from my readers! Also, I am so glad that I finally updated!! Yay! We are nearing the end of this book! My goal for this chapter, is to get 1k reads!!! Let's make it happen! Anyways, thanks for the support! I will try and update ASAP!


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