Chapter Nineteen

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Enjoy >>>----------------------------> ooooh I made an arrow...*mind blown*

We set Boromir on the boat. I hold my face in my hands. This is all my fault. Maybe, I should go back to Rivendell. I seem to be killing everyone.The dream changes. I watch as Pippin and Merry get tied up to a tree. Sam and Frodo go next. Then Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli all get tied up too. I see them, tears running down their face. They try and plead for mercy, but it is not working. A shadow passes over me, and I feel a weapon being placed in my hands. The curved sword. It was used by the Uruk Hais. I feel a force making me throw it, killing everybody strung up on the tree. I gag at the sight of all the heads dropping on the ground. They were dead. My job is done.

"Alianna, wake up! " A voice whispers. I open my eyes slowly to see Legolas standing over me.

"What is it?" I murmur.

"Why are you crying?" He ask. I touch my cheek, and surely enough, my face is wet with tears.

"I don't know. " I lie. He would think of me differently if I told him the truth.

"Well try and get some sleep, yeah?" He kisses my hair, and I nod weakly.

He lies back down, and falls asleep. I get up, and get away from the group. I am going to leave. I am sure it is my destiny. Where will I go? To Mordor of course. I have to save my friends.


Damn! That was short! I am so sorry! Also, do you know which book this is similar to? HEARTBEAT!!! YA. the first book I ever wrote! If you haven't read the book... Then what on earth have you been doing all this time?! Go add it to your library and reeeead!!! Also, please PM me!! I need ideas for this book! I am having writers block!!! Well I am going to go! Vote, comment, share, and give me a follow!!! I will highly appreciate it! :)

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