Chapter Twenty Nine - The Greenhouse

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"Get off me." I blurted out in surprise and embarassment as he held me in his arms. Rather abruptly, he did let me go and I almost stumbled on my feet again. Instinctively, I glared at him. He knows that I still have trouble walking, but he just disregarded that.

"I asked you why you're here." He repeated, his icy gaze never leaving me. If looks could kill, we would probably be in a battle of life and death right now. I sighed in defeat.

"I just wanted to see how he is, okay?" I said softly, my eyes landing back on the sleeping Daniele. I felt sad that he's laying there because of me but relieved because he's going to recover. "I'm just glad that he's safe now."

"Safe? He almost died because of you." Isaiah gritted his teeth. "Trouble just loves following you around, doesn't it?"

My heart constricted with what he said. It almost made me angry, but I held myself back. "I never wanted for him to get hurt. I never wanted any of this, Isaiah."

My voice cracked a bit while saying those last few words but I continued on despite the threat of tears. "And you wouldn't have understood the emotions I felt, the fear, the regret, when I saw Daniele's face after pulling the trigger. I... I have never even held a gun before and I shot someone and he almost..." I sighed deeply. "You wouldn't understand." I looked away, swallowing the lump in my throat as an attempt to block the strong urge to cry.

For a second, I thought I saw Isaiah's gaze soften a bit, but it disappeared quickly as he averted his eyes, as if it was just my imagination.

Isaiah didn't respond back. Instead, he just took a sit on the chair near Daniele's bed. He just sat there quietly looking at Daniele. Moments have passed and thinking that the conversation has ended, I turned around to leave. It was enough for me to see that Daniele is already on the path of recovery.

"You..." He began and I stopped on my tracks, a little surprised that he spoke again, but I didn't look back. "Do you even love him?"

My eyes widened by what I've heard. It's the same question that I have been asking myself for a while. Do I... have feelings for him? My heart throbbed. I mean he did a lot of things for me and my family, but we started on the wrong foot. He took me away from them and I can't just ignore that despite what I feel. It's all morally wrong and confusing. Other than that, I still don't know much about him and this world of his other than it's filled with danger and a lot of secrecy. I'm still in the dark and that terrifies me. I held my chest with one hand, feeling a slight tightness because of the dread of the past events that suddenly resurfaced in my mind.

"Do you even have any sort of feeling for him?" He pressed on.

Confusion? Curiosity?

The need to repay his kindness?

Maybe... infatuation?

I don't know the answer to that too, Isaiah, I said in my mind. And for some reason, my heart throbbed painfully.

"Your silence is enough of an answer for me." He said after a while, then I heard him move. I heard footsteps.

I looked back and saw that he was standing close to me again. He was staring at me but without the hostility I was used to, like he was looking for something in my eyes. The look he gave me almost felt... vulnerable? Then as if remembering something he shouldn't be doing, he huffed, walked past me, and opened the door.

"Now that you've seen him, get out of this room and get out of my face."

I sighed then I began walking out of the room back to my own. I didn't look back. I didn't dare to. But I was not able to ignore the gnawing feeling of Isaiah's gaze lingering on my back as if there were words left unsaid.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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