Chapter Twenty Two - Daniele's Point Of View

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There was no rewriting of this story. There were times when I would lie awake at night with my eyes closed, imagining a different story. One that began with me being an average guy, the son of normal parents, instead of being the son of a Mafia king. I would meet Rosalie on the street. I would smile. She would smile back, immediately taking my breath away. I would take her out to dinner, to an intimate but expensive place. I would make her laugh all night. We would stroll through the streets hand in hand, stay out until the sun came out. Fall in love, unafraid, carelessly.

When I met her, I knew that I wanted to be with her and that I needed this more than air. I also knew I could never be with her. And I felt pain, like a limb had just been cut off. I was horrified by what all of this meant for her and for me. I would learn to know everything about her but she would never know about me and I would have to make sure of that. But somehow during the process, I failed. She wouldn't have been here if I did my job well. Or maybe it was fate's way of saying that we could never escape each other. You see, it was either I would find her or she would find me. It was always like that and it's twisted how fate can just play with people.

"Why did you do it?" I took a step back to wipe the blood off my throbbing knuckles then I glanced back at a coughing Isaiah who was kneeling on the marbled floor with his head bowed down. I only decided to let him speak now because several minutes ago, I was so furious I let my anger took control. And it resulted to me, beating the hell out of him. Rosalie's gone and it's his goddamn fault.

He looked up as he wiped the blood of his nose then he sneered and my jaw twitched. If Isaiah thinks I'm tolerating this, he is dead wrong. I'm so fucking livid and frustrated right now I want to slit his throat.

"Remove that fucking smile off your face and answer me." I ordered icily.

"The answer is right in front of you and yet you kept on asking me." He was calm as he said this but every word just screams sarcasm.

Santi, who was standing five meters behind me, sighed. He was disappointed and that was exactly how I felt. Sighing heavily, I commanded Santi and the other men in the room to leave and to continue searching for Rosalie who had been missing for five hours now. Santi was hesitant at first as he gave Isaiah a worried look but after seeing me glare at him, he finally left with all the other men trailing behind him. Now, it was just the two of us inside this glit-edged room that is currently on the 57th floor of the Babylon. It was so I could properly talk to Isaiah without thinking of too much disturbances.

"I'm going to ask you again. Why did you-"

"Lei è veleno!" Isaiah spat out in disgust. She is poison!

I was surprised at the animosity that was present in his voice. I never expected him too hate her this much. Other than that, this was the first time I saw him raise his voice in front of me.

"She's not good for you." He continued to penetrate me with his gaze as if he wanted me to agree with him but I disregarded it and went on looking at him like an insolent child.

"I trusted her in your care. But look at what you did?" I reprimanded but he scoffed.

"It was the right thing to do. She's not your baggage anymore." He replied, never losing his gaze.

"I was the one who brought her here so she's my responsibility." I said, emphasizing each word but Isaiah didn't want to listen. I can vividly see his indifference and this made me seethe inside. I wanted to hit him again but I stopped myself since it would be of no use. Bruises were already starting to form on his face. His lower lip was cut open and his nose wasn't any better. Awhile ago, I had to remind myself that this was Isaiah and not an enemy just so I could stop.

Inwardly, I'm stunned that Rosalie can spur this kind of emotion in Isaiah and me. We both lost our cool because of her. We're fighting because of a woman and that never happened to us before.

"I did what I have to do." He stated matter-of-factly.

"It wasn't your decision to make. It never was."

"It is because it involves you." He gritted his teeth.

I sighed. Why the hell does he have to be stubborn? I know he's not stupid and it's starting to annoy the shit out of me.

"Enough, Isaiah. We both know that what you did was idiotic. We both know that if Xander gets a hold of her, he'll use her against me. And you knew exactly how much I value her. So why risk it?"

"You value her more than us that's why she needs to go. Despite knowing the consequences, I still went on with that stupid plan in the hopes of Xander finding her then killing her."

"Do you realize what you had just said?" I asked incredulously as I walked towards him like a predator about to attack its prey.

He smiled cynically. "Every word."

That's it, I thought as I grabbed him on the shirt forcefully. "Cosa c'è di sbagliato con te!" What is wrong with you!

"Nothing's wrong with me, brother. You're the one who's blinded by that woman. Taking over Las Vegas then the underworld for power and leadership was once your reason." He replied calmly but every word were edged with hate. "Now, it's different."

I stared at Isaiah's cold eyes. He never lies and he was always accurate at almost everything. That's what makes him splendid. That's why when he said that, I just froze. I loosened my hold on Isaiah and his features began to soften discreetly. I know every word he said was true. My priorities began to change drastically after Rosalie appeared in my life again and this time she was going to stay. I don't have the luxury to keep her out of this life anymore. And since Xander already began to make a move, I know he won't stop until he gets a hold of her. I just want to keep her safe. I just don't want her to go through that same shit several years ago. That's why every decision I've been making lately were accustomed to her safety and I can't tell anyone, not even Isaiah.

"You're wrong. My desire to take over the underworld is still as strong as before and my vision has never been clearer." I told him and his eyes narrowed. Stronger even, I thought. Because if I become the most powerful man out of all the other mafia bosses, no one will be able to touch me and that means Rosalie will be untouchable too.

I removed my grasp from his shirt then he landed with a thud on the floor. "You know where to find the kit. Patch yourself up before you leave."

"That's it?" He asked like he thought I was joking. "You're not gonna tell me more?"

I gave him a nonchalant gaze then he shook his head in disbelief as I turn to leave. "I can't believe it. I just can't. You're protecting a woman you barely know."

That's why I'm doing my best to protect her because that's all I can do for her, I thought sadly as I smiled to myself then I went for the door leaving Isaiah and these nameless emotions inside those four walls.

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