Chapter Nine - Surprising Revelations From Kaohsiung

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When I was a kid, I would always ask dad why he didn't want me to ride the bicycle and his reply was always that I was too young to ride it without training wheels and that I might end up hurting myself by getting into an accident. So I would always run to mom, crying and complaining why dad was being unfair, why he wouldn't give me a chance when I know I'm ready. Mom, then, would only soothe me and tell me that I should listen to him because he knows what's best for me.

But I was too stubborn and I wanted to do it so bad I'd do anything. So ignoring all their warnings, I borrowed my friend's bicycle and rode it even though I know my father would scold me. That was the first time I did something I really wanted to do. It was the first time I fought for something I believed in.

At first, everything was going smoothly. I had this huge smirk on my face with the thought that mom and dad was so wrong until out of nowhere, a fast silver car turned on the curb. I was stunned by its sudden appearance that I lost my balance. I crashed on a pavement and my knee began to ooze with blood endlessly.

I screamed for help as the tears trickled down my cheeks. The pain was too much for me to bear that I continued to heave with loud sobs. Dad showed up shortly with mom and I was more than grateful. After that, I never rode the bicycle again.

I learned that there will just come a time where something so tempting will appear in your life and you would fight for it. Simply because you like it too much. You like the thrill of happiness it offers and who doesn't want to be happy?

That happiness is just so addictive that you would grasp it the moment it shows up. But there will also come a time when the only thing you fought for will also be the thing you'd regret ever doing.

I've regretted riding that bicycle because it left a big scar on me. Not only physically but emotionally. It might seem silly but fear is not to be taken lightly, especially back then when I was still a child.

Maybe this is why I'm feeling restless at five thirty in the morning. I'm afraid that if I take the risk to know Daniele I'll be the one that'll end up with the wounded heart. I'll be the one that'll end up in tears. I don't want it to be just like another bicycle accident.

I shifted on my side to look at the huge window on my left. At the far horizon I can see the sun rising from behind the tall buildings. It was such a beautiful view. The glass glittered like fake stars and the dark sky is turning yellow then orange and soon blue.

The city of Las Vegas is just breathtaking and I find myself wanting to stay in this place forever. But no matter how much I wanted to stay, I can't. I have to go home to mom and the twins. I can't leave my life back in Taiwan a while much longer.

My thoughts then drifted to Daniele. I know it's wrong to feel something for him but I have to admit that I'm starting to like him. Key word here: starting.

He had been nothing but nice to me and he showered me with endless affection. He also gave me a phone last night to contact my family and I was really grateful. And those kisses that's so hard to erase from my mind like hieroglyphics engraved on stone walls.

I felt my cheeks burning at the memory of it. I squirmed as I pulled the blanket over my head. "You're crazy, Rosie. You're crazy and stupid." I told myself as I let out a breath.

It must be because in my whole life I've never been treated that way by someone before. I was usually considered average when I was still going to school. So if I consider Daniele's attention, it's a whole new experience for me. But I guess for now I have to rely on his kindness and push this blooming feelings away.

"Rosalie?" Daniele's voice sounded on the door. "Are you awake?"

My heart pounded at the sound of his raspy voice across the other side. I turned to look at the small digital clock on the bedside table and saw that the time was already six fifteen. Time really flies when you're deep in thought.

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