Chapter Nineteen - Always Expect The Unexpected

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The driver of the cab told me that it was a thirty-minute drive and so I dedicated my free time on looking out the window and recalling the past events.

Back at the hospital, Isaiah was surprised when I asked him for help. I didn't actually expect him to help me but when I noticed him studying my face to make sure I was serious, he began to explain the consequences of my action. I was taken aback at first but then I realized that maybe he's only helping me because he wanted me out of their lives-out of his brother's life to be exact.

"Won't he get mad at you for helping me?" I asked.

"He will be, I assure you." He replied nonchalantly.

"So why are you helping me?"

"What a stupid question. Obviously, it's because I want you gone and I don't care if he doesn't forgive me after this because this is for his own good anyway." He retorted, annoyed. This guy really needs to relax. I rolled my eyes inwardly. It's like he's got a huge stick up his butt.

After that, he told me the probable results of my escape. I retorted that I don't care as long as I get home to my family. Daniele already announced a while ago that he will never let me go and I can't let that happen. I have to return to my family no matter what happens and I know that this is a risk that I have to take.

Isaiah also told me that since I'm already involved with the Mafia I have to swear to omertà-a code of silence about criminal activity and the refusal to give evidence to authorities. I was going to leave so I had to comply to it. He questioned me regarding this and I told him that he can trust me with omertà because once I leave Vegas, I don't want to be related to them in any way. I will forget them like they never existed.

He gave me a small bag and when I looked inside I was stunned to see it filled with wads of money and a passport with all the needed papers to get out of Vegas safely. He must have been planning for my departure for stuff like this to be ready at hand. I guess even if I didn't want to leave he'll still make sure I do. That's how bad he wants me gone.

Isaiah also gave me a set of instructions so me and my family would be invisible to Daniele. He told me that I should just leave everything to him as long as I follow the instructions he gave me and to never look back. I still doubt him that's why once I arrive in Taiwan, I'll call the people necessary to help us in our hiding. I'd rather that neither Daniele nor Isaiah knows where we are.

After our conversation, Isaiah pulled out a gray hoodie and a white pajama from the drawer in my room. He threw it to me and told me to get dressed. I stared at him dumbfounded. I didn't think that I'd be making my escape now that I'm still healing. I thought he just gave me the bag to hide it and then told me everything in advance so I'd be prepared but no. He said that if I want to leave I should leave now that Daniele's not here. Because once he comes back he'll never let me out of his sight again and then it'll be impossible to get away.

I nodded half-heartedly because there was still the problem with my newly operated leg and the freshly acquired nausea. It must be because of the medicine, the atmosphere or my empty stomach. But I decided not to tell Isaiah because I don't want him to think that I can't do it and also because I know he's right that I should make my decampment now. That's why when he asked me about my leg and my whole being, I told him that I'm fine even though I felt weak. It was different when I was still in bed but when I got out of it, it felt like I had a huge head to support while learning to walk again. It was difficult and it took a lot of strength. But still, I didn't want him to see.

After everything else, there was only the getting out of the hospital left. It wasn't easy at first because there were a lot of Daniele's men outside my room. Isaiah informed me that there were also a lot of guards scattered around the hospital. He said they were taking precautions just in case Niccolo shows up. But luckily, Isaiah was the one who was assisting me and he's Daniele's second-in-command. That's why when he ordered for them to check a certain part of the hospital they immediately left, thus leaving him and me to escape freely. It was nerve-wracking since Daniele can come back anytime but it got overpowered by the ache in my leg and the dizziness that came with my first time standing again after the accident happened. With effort and will, I learned to ignore the discomfort I felt. The only important thing in my mind was to get out of there even if I was limping.

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