Chapter Twenty Three - Isaiah's Point Of View

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I sat there dumbfounded as Daniele left the room. It was already over but I can still hear our conversation in my head like a cannon echoing after an explosion. My fists clenched involuntarily and unwanted thoughts of Rosalie invaded my mind. How could a woman like her affect Daniele this much? I've never seen him act this reckless before even with that... that other woman.

I let out a frustrated scream as I madly punched the floor more than once. Everything inside were throbbing from pain but the pain I felt the most was the searing fire of hate that consumed my heart. It had been several years since Daniele did this to me and that was when I was still a young reckless fool but now that we're both old enough it was like an insult and I blame that woman, Rosalie, for this.

I began to stand slowly, cringing freely for I was all alone. I can moan, sigh, and complain about these wounds because no one would see me in doing so and I am grateful for that.

Unraveling one's facade is a luxury I cannot afford nowadays. One have to be a cold-blooded bastard in order to survive in this kind of life and it is something Daniele and I know so well. But because of that damned woman, his mask is slowly unraveling and I do not want anyone to see the real him.

I limped towards the kitchen where the cupboard should be and I easily found the kit. I headed towards the counter and struggled to sit on the high stool. I began healing myself but I cannot seem to focus for my mind was held captive by the thought of Rosalie and Daniele's real connection. Rosalie is naive but Daniele isn't. He's not telling me something and I can feel it. I can feel his hesitation. I'm the only person who's smart enough to detect this. For an average person, Daniele may be emotionless but I know him too well.

This secret of his, whatever it may be, must be too personal for him to not share it with me. He tells me everything but for the first time since Rosalie came, I began to doubt him.

What is with that woman? I thought bitterly for the thousandth time already. She is just an ordinary girl that works in a diner and last time I checked there is nothing interesting in her family background. She is literally ordinary. So why in the world would Daniele risk his life for her? Why? Why? Why?

I let out a loud groan as I childishly swept the medical supplies off the counter with my hand. Realizing what I just did, I sighed. I was disappointed at myself. I'm seriously losing my mind because of her.

I thought Rosalie was just a game. I thought she was just a past time like all those other women. I thought she would only last a week. But after seeing the similarities, I began to think that maybe that's the reason why Daniele is keeping her. Rosalie's a lot like her but still, Daniele never went out of his way for that woman like what he's doing now for Rosalie.

"Who the fuck are you Rosalie Yeung?" I whispered to myself as I lay my head on my hands. Just as I was beginning to feel sleepy, I heard the door open. My body tensed and every system inside was immediately on full alert. It was the slightest sound but it was enough for me to grab the gun hidden under the counter top. It was for precautionary measures.

"What the hell." A voice came from the living room and I immediately recognized it to be Santi's. My shoulders instantly relaxed and the alarm in my head seemed to have died down. Even the idiot's making me paranoid, I mused as I put the gun on the counter. Damn, this only proves that I need to rest.

Footsteps echoed and the next thing I saw was an amused Santi leaning on the kitchen's entry way.

"Your blood is all over the floor. It's amazing and disgusting at the same time." Santi announced as he tucked both his hands inside his pants.

"Amazing because this is the first time I saw so much blood coming from you and disgusting because it's starting to reek and remind me of Giulio's rotten meatballs, and you know how much I hate that specialty of his."

I let out an exasperated breath. I wanted to be alone and all of a sudden this idiot is here.

"What are you doing here? Boss gave you an order." I asked, annoyed at his presence. I purposefully ignored his statements. He chuckled then he began stretching his arms as he walked towards me.

"He sent me back to check on you." Santi replied nonchalantly as he stifled a yawn. "What time is it anyway? I'm tired."

"He sent you back?" I was surprised because Daniele would never do that. So why would he send Santi to check on me...

Santi suddenly laughed that it caught me off guard. What the fuck. I stared at him in confusion.

"Wow. Another first. This is the first time I saw that much emotion in your face in a range of minutes and I can't believe that you fell for that." Santi was amused and I was still reeling on the fact that this idiot just played me. Negative emotions began to devour my mind and the next thing I saw was a wailing Santi on the floor.

"Shit. You didn't have to punch that hard, fratello." He complained as he caressed his jaw. I took the gun and pointed it at him.

"Get the fuck out of here before I shoot you."

"Woah! Relax!" Santi raised his hands in surrender as he clumsily stood up. "I was just kidding! I didn't think-"

"Leave!" I screamed like a madman. I never lost my composure before but since Rosalie came, all went down the drain.

"I'm leaving!" Santi yelled back. "But before that, here's the list of places we've checked. That's the real reason why I came back." He carefully placed a piece of paper on the counter near the entry way.

"Now go!" I used the gun to gesture for him to leave.

"You're such a mess." He stated then he left slamming the door. I weakly went for the paper and opened it. As soon as I saw the list where Rosalie cannot be found, I wished she was just dead.

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