Chapter Five - The Masquerade Ball

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A little earlier when we reached The Babylon and we've entered the hall where the party was being held, I was surprised to see that it was a masquerade ball and not just a typical party.

Isaiah handed me a butterfly mask that only covers the upper part of my face so it leaves my nose and mouth for display. It was a smooth velvet mask with abstract and distinctive designs. It looked really beautiful and it goes great with my gown. I put it on and Isaiah did the same with his. Several minutes later, I'm now here sitting alone and I just got finished eating.

Rich classical music mixed with laughter filled the air and I can smell the combination of heady perfume and delectable food—mostly Italian cuisine. This is the type of atmosphere I'm not accustomed to and I can't help but shift endlessly in my seat while I look at the plutocrats mingle with each other. Each have a wine settled on their fingertips and all wore fine masks and foreign clothing. There were a lot of nationalities at present—all speaking in different languages that I'm not even aware of.

There were also a lot of femme fatales that made me feel insecure with my appearance even though I know my face wasn't fully revealed. My long wavy black hair fell in cascades behind my back, leaving my neck exposed. I was wearing a deep red gown with a high slit on my right revealing my leg. It was a strapless gown that only allowed a little teasing view of my cleavage and disclosed half of my back. I was also wearing a pair of red heels and dangling silver earrings that Isaiah said were studded with real diamonds and rubies.

When I saw my appearance earlier today at Altadonna, I can't help but gasp at the sight of myself. I looked really sexy and refined at the same time but now that I'm here in the presence of the real well-heeled women I feel conscious.

Although Isaiah told me that I look like I'm part of them and Mel practically clapped and announced bellissima in front of my face a hundred times, I can't help but feel nervous and it was all for two reasons. First, I don't really belong in this place. And second, I am going to meet that man tonight—the man Isaiah works for and the one who had me kidnapped. I shivered at the thought.

The party was located at the hall on the first floor of The Babylon and it never ceased to amaze me. The Babylon's hall is the most prestigious and largest location in Las Vegas where you can hold an esteemed function like this. Only a few rich men could afford such an expensive amount and the man Isaiah works for rented it for the whole night. Unexpectedly, Isaiah told me all these.

I rested my chin on my hand as I gazed at the people talking, then my eyes landed on the brightly lit glass chandelier. I narrowed my eyes as I mentally counted how many light bulbs were in there.

Somehow, it feels like I was not kidnapped. It's like, for tonight, I'm living a different life. One that is very distinct from my original life back in Taiwan but I still can't let my guard down.

I can't escape even if I try to and it's because the hall is surrounded by security that is on the lookout for me. It turned out that Isaiah has that kind of authority. His boss must trust him a lot. I sighed. Other than that, Isaiah never left my side. Whenever someone tries to strike a conversation with me, he would glower at them and then they would leave.

"Are you done?" A familiar voice asked from behind. I turned to see Isaiah in his usual attire—more handsome than ever even with a mask on.

"Yes." I replied. He was referring to the course. The food that had been served was delicious, especially the dessert and appetizers.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked. Isaiah eyed me for a second before letting me go. To my surprise, he didn't follow me.

After searching for the restroom which took me five minutes, I finally found it. I wasn't really feeling the urge to go but I needed a break. The atmosphere back there was really suffocating, so I took my mask off and laid it beside the sink. I gave myself a few minutes to breathe.

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