Chapter Eighteen - The Truth Behind Those Gray Eyes

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I was conscious for approximately ten minutes already but I chose to keep my eyes closed as I took in everything that had happened before I got to this hospital bed. The continuous beeping noise and sound of the air conditioner helped eased my mind as I try to relax and recall. I thought of the Babylon, the ride to the airport, the attack and the gun shots, the abandoned warehouses and being trapped in one, the absence of Daniele then mistaking scar face as him, the insults, the gash on my leg, the tantamount of blood on my jeans, the pain, the cold stare Daniele gave me and his unconcerned stance, and lastly the world caving in and seeing nothing but darkness. It was a whole lot to take in at that time and maybe that's the reason why my body just burned out and I fainted. I guess it was just what I needed-an escape from the situation. It was just saddening to think that until now I still don't know why this has happened to me.

A while ago when I first woke up, the first thing that had invaded my senses was the scent of Sampaguita. It had made my eyes open and instantly my sight landed on my left where a unique bouquet of Sampaguita was there. It's my favorite flower. Mom used to have a Filipina friend that would visit us at home and she would always have a fresh batch of Sampaguita with her from the Philippines. I just love the fact that this flower is offered to the saints at the churches there. It shows undying faith and its color represents purity. Other than that, the scent of it is just addicting. It makes me want to stay in this bed forever and just sleep.

I opened my eyes and stared at it for awhile because this kind of flower wasn't meant to be arranged into a bouquet. It was usually arranged into a necklace like a lei. Anyhow, Daniele must have been the one who put it there. He was the only one who knows about my situation. But why did he choose these flowers? Did he know that it's my favorite? Probably.

A door opened and instinctively I closed my eyes. I tried to relax as much as possible so he wouldn't notice that I was already awake. I just don't have the interest to face Daniele just yet and ask him why he acted like he didn't care. The way he gave Niccolo the permission to hurt me was so jarring that the pain that came with his words still haunts me. I have never seen him so insensible. Maybe it was because I was so used to the Daniele who was sweet, sensitive, and thoughtful that I forgot about his other side-the one Isaiah and Blondie already saw and it bothers me more than I want to admit. It's like he's trying to impress me with this character he made for himself when it's not even the real him. But who am I to judge him? I've only known him for a short time and who knows, maybe the one Isaiah and Blondie saw was the facade and I already saw the real him-and it was every time we were alone together.

He was just one complex puzzle and the pieces are lost in a haystack as I try to desperately search for all of it.

"The surgery was a success but I still have to give her a strong tranquilizing drug to help her sleep through the pain." An authoritative female voice said.

"Thank you, doctor." Daniele replied.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did she get such a terrible gash on her leg?" The doctor asked but it doesn't sound like she was prying. I guess she was genuinely concerned about me.

"She accidentally stumbled upon broken wood in our basement." He lied without missing a beat. How could he lie about what really happened to me? I thought feeling disappointed.

Everything that transpired to me transpired because of him, and it angers me that he lied but mostly because I am kept in the dark. I'm just so stressed out and he hasn't helped me at all by not telling me everything. If only I had the strength and guts to lash out I would but that drug still has its effect on me and I have no choice but to pretend and listen to their conversation instead.

"You know that if you had come here a little too late she would have been in real danger?"

"Yes, I know." He said quietly.

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