Chapter Three - Whisked Away

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My head felt like it had grown thrice its size. I can't even lift it without feeling nauseous and dizzy. I slowly pried my eyes open and was greeted by a blinding light. Reflexively, I lifted a hand to block the irritating sunlight from my eyesight. I groaned trying to fix myself into a comfortable sitting position. The light burned my eyes temporarily and my body felt limp and tired as if I'd just ran a marathon.

After giving myself a few minutes to adjust to the light, my vision finally cleared and a wide floor-to-ceiling window at my left came in sight—it actually covered the whole left wall. From where I sat, a panoramic view lay behind the glass window. It revealed an opulent city with high buildings and tall luxury hotels. It instantly gave me the idea that we're on a very high floor.

I continued to gaze beyond the glass. All of it were so foreign that it automatically occurred to me that I'm not in Kaohsiung anymore. That small reminder greatly caused me to feel terror and that terror made me recall the events that took place last night and the sensations I dreaded to feel the most.

I was kidnapped.

Three harmless words but they were enough to cause my breathing to hitch and my palms to sweat. I grasped the white sheet beneath me as if my life depended on it. I tried to calm down, to stop myself from hyperventilating because too much oxygen will only cause me more headaches.

Relax, Rosie, you're only making this worse.

After breathing in and out a few times, I checked myself for any bruises or signs of harassment but luckily there weren't any—except for the fact that my clothes have been changed and I'm now wearing a beige silk nightgown. The thought of some unknown person changing me and seeing my whole body gave me shivers so I just tried to ignore the thought as much as possible.

I slowly crept out of bed, my feet landing on the carpeted floor with a thud. I almost lost my footing but I caught my balance. It felt as though I was learning to walk again. The drug that put me to sleep had quite a huge effect on me. I can still remember that sickening smell that made my head swirl violently until I lose consciousness.

I began to observe my surroundings. The room was quite bare for my liking. It only has one large bed, a sofa, and a few other necessary furniture. At my right was a door that I concluded to be the bathroom.

Cautiously, I started to head toward the room's exit that might lead me to my escape.

Who could have done this to me? Who could have taken me away? I have nothing to give and I have never offended anyone my whole life—at least not enough for them to have me drugged and kidnapped.


I was immediately reminded of her and my siblings back in Taiwan. Memories of them flooded my mind like a mental catastrophe and it left a painful aftermath.

Mom must be worried sick right now. I could almost imagine her going to the police station to file a missing report about me. I could almost hear her cries and see her disheveled hair and tired look. I could almost see her appearance when dad died.

Remembering her that way made my eyes water until my vision blurred. I can't bear to see her like that again. I have to go home and make sure my family's all right.

My hand landed on the cold door knob but I suddenly felt too weak to turn it. Tears started to ran down my face. My walls crumbling down with it like demolished buildings. I told myself not to cry but it was too late. The tears were already falling.

I don't know what's the exact reason for my crying but it must have been the emotions that have piled up since now. The frustration that I felt last night with Wei, the worry I felt for my mom, and the fear of being taken against my will. All of it were enough to send me crumbling down but I have to get a hold of myself. I was kidnapped so I have to be strong. I have to come back home.

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