Chapter Fifty Four

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  • Dedicated to Shayna Lee


My eyes burn so much from typing all this stuff for you people.


Chapter Fifty Four

"Can you believe how many responses we got?" Alexis exclaims at breakfast, "And I get at least twenty more followers."

I smile at my friend's excitement as I eat my eggs, remembering when I was like that.

"I even got my first hate!" Tori joins in.

"How is that exciting?" I ask my clearly confused friend.

"I don't know." She shrugs, "It just is."

Alexis, Tori, Terrie and I are sitting in the dining hall eating our breakfast. I knocked on the Scarlett Roses' room door but they weren't awake so they aren't eating with us. Last night Niall, Zayn and Harry all made the announcement that they're going home to visit their family, so they are packing for their flight that leaves around noon and aren't eating with us.

I think Louis and Liam are also thinking about leaving as well but I was super upset when I found out the other boys were missing the X Factor finale so I think they're going to put it off.

It might be a bit selfish to be upset that they are leaving because they haven't seen their family in forever but I kind of wanted my friends to be there and support me.

"Earth to Erin." Terrie waves her hand in front of my face, "Your phone is ringing."

I snap out of my thought trance and pick it up when I see its Cher. "Hi Cher, whats up?"

"Practice at twelve thirty, interview at six thirty, then practice when you get back. We need you to win this." She starts rattling off things I need to do.

"Interview with who?" I ask.

"Don't remember. Just send your friends out and be in the yoga room by twelve twenty five." She says before hanging up.

"Well that was a quick convo." Tori laughs.

"Thats Cher for ya!" I tell her.

"So, whats the plan Stan?" Alexis asks as we throw out our plates and leave the dining room.

"I don't now about you guys but for me its X Factor, X Factor, X Factor. Maybe tomorrow I can pull a few strings and we could go shopping with Shayna."

"That would be super cool!" The girls say.

"Awesome." I kiss each friend on the cheek and leave them be. "See you guys!"


                                                                                                                                                    July 19, 2013

Dear Diary,

I'm on break from singing practice and man are they working me hard.

I have one more hour of practice and then they are prepping me for the interview that I still don't know anything about.

I hate when they do that! Why can't they be up front with me?

X Factor management is not on my good side right now. Marie and I already had a huge fight where I yelled at her for knowing about X Factor showing the cancer video and she didn't tell me.              Eventually I gave up on yelling because I didn't want to hurt my voice but I was still pissed.

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