Chapter Twenty Six

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Due to Shayna's insistent begging, here is an update. A short one but an update none the less. Did I say that about last chapter? I can't remember... 



Chapter Twenty Six

"Harry, wait!" I call after the curly haired international boy band star. 

He doesn't stop or acknowledge me and keeps walking, so I run to catch up. 

"Please stop," I beg, "I want to apologize." 

"Did your friends ask because I'm 'Harry Styles'?" He asks using a sarcastic tone when he says his name, still walking fastly. 

"No because I have been acting extremely rudely to you. You are a famous singer and our celebrity judge here and I have been treating you like everyone else. In fact I have been treating you worse, "I say, "I shouldn't be treating you like that, I don't know what's come over me. I am never like that! I guess being in the presence if a talented person as you makes me nervous and I know I can't treat you like everybody else. Therefore I am sorry." 

Harry frowns. 

"But I like that you treat me like everybody else." He says. 

"You do?" I ask shocked. 

"Your the only one treating me like a normal person. No one else here would dare treat me like the way you have been because of what you said. Because I am Harry Styles." 

He stops walking, "I am sorry for nearly kissing you. It was completely inappropriate."  

I nearly begin to fan girl about the way he said "inappropriate." 

"No it's alright, you caught me off guard that's all." 

"So can I try again?" 

I blush which he takes as a yes, leaning in to gve me a slow and soft kiss. 

All I can think is, his lips ARE as soft as they say! 


"So now this chick is bad mouthing us! I was so tempted to walk over there and bitch slap her." Bailey says to me, but I'm not really paying attention rather thinking about my previous adventure. "Erin?? Hellloooo? You still alive over there?" 

I focus back to the current world and say, "Yeah bitch slap Sara-Beth." 

"All I'm saying is that it's going to happen sooner or later.." She trails off and shrugs. 

I bring my knees to my cheat and ask, "When is your first performance for the judges?"  

Bailey looks at the clock and then answers,"Twenty minutes." 

"WHAT?!"I exclaim letting go of my grip on my knees. "I've had a bit of a tiff with Haley." She shrugs. 

I lean back into the couch pillows and ask what happened. 

"She said something about you and I didn't like it that's all." She dismisses it as if what she said had no importance. 

"What did she say?" 

"I'll tell you about t later. Right now you need to help me pick out a dazzling outfit to wear." 

I smile at her excited for her, and we head into the walk in closet that we have in this stunning room they provided for us in Cher's house. 


May, 18 2013

Dear diary, 

I just finished helping Bailey pick out an outfit for her performance. We settled on a pair of emerald green pants and a sleeveless white blouse together with gold sandals. She left without a word of what Haley said about me which is getting me worried. 

I never liked when people talked behind my back about me. Not so much about what they are saying stings by rather I want them to be able to say it to my face and be completely honest with me rather thinking they have to gossip and tell others in secret.

Meanwhile I am left on my own with only my thoughts. 

I think my performance went really well. Dark side has been one of my favorite songs since it came out and I practiced really hard on it. 

And Harry kissed me... 

Seems perfect right? A famous singer who is part of one my favorite boy bands in the world kissed me! 

Only problem is, I felt nothing.



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