Chapter Twenty Nine

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Oh no!

She lost her voice! What is she going to do?

And if you see any resemblence of this to a show's prequel.. pftt..... (only a few will understand that)



Chapter Twenty Nine

I run out of there with tears in my eyes, not knowing where I am going just that I need to get out of here.

My voice is gone, and I have lost any chance I have in this competition.

When I stop running I am at a park, by the swing set, and I sit down on one of the swings.

"Ah-" I try to say something but all that comes out is some squeaks.

There is no use, the voice I had that was my ticket to the next ground is gone and probably won't come back until it is too late.

"Excuse me miss, are you okay?" A little girl sits down on the swing next to me.

I nod, words not being able to be used.

"You look sad." She tells me.

"I am." I croak, "I have lost something."

"Well maybe I can help you find it!" She gives me the smile all little children love to give.

"I don't think you can.." I point to my throat.

"Oh you lost your voice. Well mommy always tells me to drink lots of tea when my throat hurts. Maybe you should drink some."

I smile at the girl who then runs off to her mother, who is calling her name.

I wonder if that little girl ever learned not to talk to strangers.



"Where could she be? She doesn't have her cell ohone so there is no way of contacting her!" Bailey exclaims in a frustrated tone.

Bailey is one of Erin's really good friends and she and I have grown to be friends as well over these past few days. She and I are honestly worried about Erin. After she ran out in the middle of her performance no one has been able to find her.

Its been two hours already and even Cher seems to be breaking a sweat.

As usual, the camera men are using this oppurtunity to film each and every one of us, and this will for sure bring up the viewing rates of X Factor which I am sure is all they care about right now, not the whereabouts of one of the most talented singers here.

"Have we checked parks? I know that I always go there to think." I say, pitching an idea.

"BRILLIANT!' Bailey jumps up from her seat, "You go to Bently park, where we went that day for the picnic, and I will go to Saphine Park."

Bailey grabs my phone and puts her number in it.

"Text me if you find her." She says before running off.

I grab car keys and take Chers car driving.

Technically I am not supposed to drive in America, and I am going to have a hard time remembering to stay on the right side of the road but we need to find Erin.


"ERIN!" I shout, hoping to find her here.

"ERI-" I stop seeing her from afar on the swing sets.

Slowly walking over to where she is I sit in the swing next to her.

"Hey." I say softly.

Swinging herself back and forth lightly she asks in a croaky tone, "How did you find me?"

"I always come to parks when I'm sad. Figured it was worth the shot, eh?"

Erin is silent.

"You know that you were amazing today." I tell her, trying to get something out of her.

She doesn't reply so I stop her swinging and say, "You were bloody brilliant, and you shouldn't have run off."

Erin looks up at me with watery eyes, and right then I decided that I hate when Erin cries.

"Are you kidding me?" She attempts to yell but her voice restricting her from doing so. "I cracked! My voice is gone, and so is my chance of getting through to the live shows."

I take her hand and say, "Is that what you think? One little slip up? You have one of the best voices I have ever heard, and thats saying something. This one little slip up wont harm you! Besides, you are lucky it happened now when you get a break until july so you can get your voice back."

Erin sucks in her breath as if she is thinking about what I am saying.

"Don't let this bring you down." I smile.


Harry's grip on my hand loosens and soon he is walking away.

"Wait!" I call after him.

He turns around and cocks his head, as if he is waiting for me to tell him why I stopped him from leaving me.

"Aren't you going to take me back?" I ask, my throat on fire from all this talking.

"You'll come back when need to." He answers and then leaves me alone swinging in the park. 

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