Chapter Fifteen

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I really hope you guys are liking this. I don't know because ya'll don't comment.... Can you maybe? I would like to read some of your opinions ;)

Well here is the next chapter... enjoy ;) 

(time is going the flash by really quickly.. I warn you.)


Chapter Fifteen

The seconds on the clock tick by, and I shut my eyes trying to fall asleep. I wish I could just close them and when they next open it is X Factor day.

After freaking out with my mother and sister about getting through to the next level on X Factor, I called my friends, who probably screamed louder then I did, and then went straight to my room to figure out what I am going to be singing.

I sat in my room for hours, crossing off names from my list, and adding new ones.

Still haven't chosen one but I have trust in myself. I will pick the perfect song, and hopefully it will be my ticket to success.

Singing is my dream, and I believe nothing is impossible.

Thats it!

The perfect song comes into my mind, and I fall asleep with a smile on my face, finally knowing what I am going to sing.




I fiddle with the outfit that I wore to my previous auditions. 

They requested we wear the same outfit because of taping issues. 

"Honey, we have to leave in a little bit okay?" My mother peeks her head into my room.

I clutch my phone and head phones tightly, shaking with nerves. This is more nerve wrecking then the other auditions I did. Its getting taped and put on TV possibly. That puts a lot of pressure on a seventeen year old girl like me.

"That's fine." I say, my voice choking up.

"I have some water and snacks for the wait, and also a notebook just in case you get bored." My mother continues, "We are going to pick up the girls, and then we will just quickly stop by the pharmacy. I think we are going to need some advil, don't you?"

I let out a forced laugh.

My mother leaves me to be on my own and I braid my hair to the side and put a floral headband across my forehead rather then leaving it down (a/n the way Perrie did her hair in the Change Your Life music video).

As they said in the contract, dress to show your true self.


"GIRLLLLL WAIT TILL YOU SEE OUR POOOSTTERSS!" Alexis drawls as we get out of the car, and into  the parking lot of the coliseum.

The whole car ride I kept silent, and listened to my song over & over again, while the girls went on about how their posters are amazing and how much I would love them.

I hum the tune as we walk into the music hall.

There are people with the little microphone and speaker things in their ears waiting for the incoming people that recieved that phone call.

Ally squeezes my hand tight as we approach them.

"Hello I am Julia, and I will be taking you to where you are auditioning for the judges. Follow me please." One of the people says, immediatly starting to walk us to the where everyone is waiting.

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