Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

"How are you doing?" Tori whispers to me in study hall.

Its seventh period, the period after lunch which I ditched, and Tori and I have study hall together. I ditched my Bio class as well not really wanting to deal with everyone.

After Choir Sara-Beth and her minion's giggled at me the whole class. I didn't even get any applause when I finished my my performance. 

Sara-Beth did well.

"I am dying of excitement for the auditions." I whisper back

Tori rolls her eyes. 

"You know that isn't what I am talking about."

"It doesn't matter. Soon the day will be over, and then X Factor here we come."

I am not lying to her, I have stopped letting what they say get to me. Soon I will be doing what I love, without these jerks.

Bullying is a horrible thing that I don't stand for, but when its happening to me, well I try to ignore it. There are people who go through way worse bullying like commiting suicide because its bad, bad. This is nothing compared to that. So I keep my head held high and don't let it faze me.

"I can call ALy you know. She is friends with the senior's they can help defend you." Tori offers.

"I don't need that. I am seriously fine."


The day passes by quickly, and the heckling continued, but as I did before I ignored all the harsh words yelled.

When I get home my mother and father are not there, and Aly seems to be MIA as well.

Aly graduated last year from the high school I am currently a junior in, and this year is taking a year off of school for some personal time. Basically she just floats around everywhere, that is why I am surprised that she is not home. Usually she meets me home and we either hang at home or go out, unless I say otherwise.

I go up to my room and decide to practice my songs again.

Closing my door, sliding into my hanging chair, I close my eyes and begin to sing softly,

"Father once spoke of an Angel

I used to dream he'd appear

Now as I sing I can sense him

And I know he's here

Here in this room, he calls me softly

Somewhere inside, hiding

Somehow I know he's always with me

He, the unseen genius."

"You sing beautifully." An unfamilar voice says coming from my door way.

I open my eyes, and Nick, the boy Terrie went out with two nights ago, is standing there.

"Oh hello..." I say awkwardly, not sure how he got in.

"The front door was open, I let myself in." He answers my unasked question, "I was actually looking for Terrie."

"Why would you be-" I stop myself.

He probably thought this is where she lived, because this is where she told him to drop her off.

"Well I can give you her number if you want.." I suggest trying to get him out of here.

"No I have it, I just wanted to surprise her... but its alright... I'll talk to her later." He says leaving my room and then I hear him let himself out.

Things just get odder everyday.

"Was that Terrie's boyfriend just leaving?" Aly appears in my room magically.

"Shit! ALY! Where did you come from?" I ask my heart beating in shock.

I didn't even see her come in! She must have snuck in and purposely done this so she could scare me.

"Um Erin... I just walked in." She answers, thinking I'm crazy.

She did?

"You did?" I shake my head as if to get that mistake out of me, "Things have been a bit crazy today thats all."

"Sara-Beth." Aly nods in an all knowing voice.

"How did you know?" My face contorts to confusion.

Tori had better not messaged her, especially after I specifically asked her.

" Grayce? She's one year up from you?"

I nod.

"So she told me rumours were going around about you, and that I should check up on you."

Of course I know Grayce! Grayce is one of Aly's best friends, and is a senior at the same high school as me. She has long brown hair, brown eyes and is about 5”5, which she claims is short, but it is really not. She used to give me a lot of advice on things when I was younger. 

She too is obsessed with One Direction like Aly, and took Aly for her birthday to a convert. My friends and I were so jealous, but we couldn’t go because we had a major test the next day.

My friends complained about it for weeks but what could we do?

“Well I am fine.” I get up from my seat and sit down at my desk in front of my laptop. “Just a little heckling, that’s all.”

Aly rolls her eyes and takes my place in the hanging chair.

“I hate that Sara-Beth is such a bitch, but her face yesterday was totally worth it.” She grins

“Definitely, and in choir I preformed “Hate On Me”! I nearly died in ecstasy.” I return the smile.

 "Bitch probably died. Am I right?"

"Lets just say she was none to happy,"

We laugh for a little and then stop.

"Erin, no matter what happens you know I am always there for you right?"

I look up at my older sister with twinkling eyes.


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