Chapter Forty Seven

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Yes. I know.

How could you? You horrible person.

But no. 

I am not horrible okay.


Enjoy ;)


Chapter Forty Seven

"Tumor as in Cancer?" I squeak.

My heart beat speeds up and it feels like I have a golf ball stuck in my throat.

"As in nephroblastama cancer yes." Doctor Jason gives me a sympathetic look.

"Have you told her yet?" I ask, holding in my tears.

Zayn gives my shoulder a squeeze and the doctor replies, "I thought maybe you would want to tell her."

I blink through the tear that managed to escape from my right eye and look at how peaceful Cleo looks watching TV in her room. She has no idea that I am about to tell her she has cancer. This can't be happening. How can a girl like her, so sweet and caring, she wouldn't harm a fly, get a disease like that? How can she deserve a fate like that?

"You don't have to do it." Zayn leans in and whispers in my ear.

"No, its fine." I wipe my wet eyes, "I can do it."

They leave me to do it on my own, staying outside as I approach my friend in her hospital bed.

"Erin!" Cleo turns off the T.V. when she sees me come in.

"Hi Cleo." I say, trying not to burst in to tears right there.

I sit down at the end of the bed, and Cleo looks at me with a worried look, sensing that something is wrong.

"What is it?" She asks me.

"Cleo, your test results came in..... and...." My throat aches, stopping me from going further.

"What? What were they?"

"Cleo you have Wilms tumor. You have cancer." I cry.

Ckei stares at me looking numb, and her eyes begin to water.

"Cancer." She tries out the word.

"I am so sorry." I hug her letting my tears fall.

"Where is my mom?" She asks, staying stiff in my arms.

"She's not allowed to come." I pull away. "Management won't let her come and visit."

"They won't let her?"

"You were technically still in their care when you passed out so they have control over you. I'm not sure what why they won't let her visit."

Cleo lays back in her bed with a sigh. "Cancer huh?"

"Yeah, but 90 percent of the patients survive this kind." I tell her.

"How do you know that I won't be the 10 percent?"

"Don't talk like! There is chemotherapy and things you can do to help yourself."

Cleo closes her eyes.

"I think I am going to sleep. Come back later."

I open my mouth to say something but then close it, not knowing what to say.

Getting off her bed I leave her be, rejoining Zayn and the doctor outside.

"How'd it go?" Zayn asks me.

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