Chapter Twenty Five

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I hope you liked the little twist I put in the last chapter ;) 

I know a few of you did ;)

Now all I am going to tell you is that I am not giving them a couple name so... ;)

Love you babes xx


Chapter Twenty Five

"Everybody's got a dark side

Do you love me?

Can you love mine?

Nobody's a picture perfect

But we're worth it

You know that we're worth it

Will you love me?

Even with my dark side?" I sing for my vocal coach.

"Good!" Marie girns, "Extremely good. Now what I want you to do is slow it down when you hit the 'ee' part of everybodies so that the end of the song comes natrually."

I nod a start again.

Yesterday after my interview with the judges I went up to my room and brainstormed for a little. With some help from Bailey I got the idea to sing "Dark Side" by Kelly Clarkson.

It showcases my talent very well, and has a lot of meaning to it.

When the session finishes, Mels is waiting outside for me.

"How did it go?" She asks.

I shrug and just keep walking towards my room.

I think that I am going to call my mom when I get there.

Mels grabs my arms and stops me from walking further.

"What is going on with you?" She asks, "You've been acting weird since your interview and one and one time."

Did something happen that you didn't tell me about?" 

"No, nothing happened." I get her to let go of me and keep walking.

"Why are you acting so weird?" She follows me.

I unlock the door of my room and walk in.

"I'm not ac-" I stop short when I see Bailey and Harry sitting on a bed on my laptop.

"Why are you guys on my computer?!"


"Let me get this straight, you ran into Harry and decided to just look on my computer for baby pictures of me." I repeat back what Bailey and Harry just told me.

"Pretty much." Bailey shrugs.

"That is the stupidest response I have ever heard!" I exclaim.

"I was bored." Harry tells me.

"So you do this? You are an adult! You should know that you can't invade people's privacy like this!" I shout, "I can't believe you would do this!"

Harry's face turns to hurt and Bailey looks sad.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." He leaves the room.

"ERIN! Whats going on with you?!" Mels yells at me.

"I need to call my mom." I say to them, and dial the house number into my phone.

"Hello?" My father picks up.

"Hi Daddy! Its me!" A smile immediately lights up my face.

"Hey mon puce." My father responds with his pet name for me. 

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