Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Unlike last time, the person who leads us to where I will be auditioning is a man. He like everyone else has that talking piece in his ear, and he is holding a clip board, with a pen behind the other ear.

 “You are walking into the room where Mario Lopez and Khloè Kardashian will be. You have one minute to fan girl or whatever you teenagers do, and it will be cut out of the tape. Right now, don’t look back, you have cameras following you. When you go in, and you see the judges, I beg of you keep your cool otherwise it makes my job harder.” He talks.

 Meanwhile, I am not fully paying attention because my heart is beating out of control, and I worry that I am going to mess up and they will hate me.

 We stop infront of a door.

“Everyone understand?” He asks.

 I make a face of nervousness at one of the camera’s and then we go into the room where the two hosts are standing.

 Out of all of us, I think my mother looks like she is going to faint.

 “Hey guys!” Mario Lopez says, “Which one of you is Erin?”

 “She is!” All the girls point at me and say.

 Khloè and Mario laugh at their enthusiasium and then turn to talk to me.

“Are you nervous?” He asks.

 “I swear my heart is about to jump out of my chest.” I answer with complete honesty.

 I can’t believe I am talking to Mario Lopez and Khloè Kardashian!

 “You ready to go in?” Khloè then asks,

“More ready then I’ll ever be.” I gulp.

 They swing the door open and wish me luck.


 I watch as my sister walks through the doors, and disappears.

 “So who here is family, and who here is friends?” Mario Lopez asks us.

 My mother still too star struck to speak keeps quiet, so I step up to the plate to introduce everyone. “Well I am her big sister Ally, the woman who is to star stuck to talk is my mother and Erin’s mother. The girl that is standing to my right is Tori, the one my left is Terrie, and the one next to Terrie is Alexis. They are her three best friends.”

 “Yeah, we love her to death.” Terrie smiles widely for the cameras that seem to be taping our every move. For some reason, I don’t feel pressured at all.

 “Which one of you convinced her to come here?” Khloè continues to interview us, so to speak.

 “I registered her online without telling her, and then said that she had to go because she is already registered.” Tori speaks up.

 “I bet she wasn’t to happy about that.”

“Not really, but she’s here isn’t she? And she is going to rock those judges.”

 “Preach it girl.” I pound my fist in the air.

 “I see you have a lot of faith in your sister.” Mario remarks.

 “Yes, she is a star.” I say confident in Erin’s talent.

 “Well I guess we’ll see, take a look at the screen above your head so we can see her audition.” Khloè tells us.

 We look up at the screen, and there she is standing in front of the judges.

 My little sister.

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